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  1. K

    Stealth dresser grow

    Hey, I was wondering if I could do a stealth horizontal grow in a 2x2 dresser drawer. How would I go about doing this? I would also like to use minmal lighting, mabye one bulb. I also do not care much for the yield, as this is just an experiment.
  2. K

    is something wrong

    should i put something over it like a bag to make it more humid for the plant
  3. K

    is something wrong

    i give it about 100mls of water every day, and once a week i give it some miracle grow the avg temp is 75-80 degrees F. Not too humid,the source of light is sunlight
  4. K

    is something wrong

    well i was wondering what i should do with my 4week old seedling's browning leaves. The base of its stem also looks like its drying out. Also can anybody tell if this is a mostly indica plant.