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  1. D

    Discoloration of the leaves

    over nutes. your plant isnt using all the nutes its gettng and has too much so its trying to expell them thru its leaves. but with too many nutes it will burn your leaves like that. miracle grow soil is horrible for growing in because it is always infested with gnat or other insects. Premium...
  2. D

    First grow leafs wilting

    i agree. heat stress. if it was chemical imbalance their would be a color change in the leaves.
  3. D

    brown crunchy leaves

    Im in the first week of 12/12 light cycle and Ive noticed that my plants have started to develop brown crunchy spots on the leaves. im using happy frog soil and the only thing ive been giving it is thrive alive b1 tonic as its food. its 0-0-1 on the npk scale. The left plant is GDP and the right...
  4. D

    how am i lookin?

    here is a few pics of m plants as of 1/7/14 I started to use happy frog potting soil that i picked up at the local shop. i took a bunch of befores and the last three are the after photos. i removed as much miracle grow garden soil that i was using and replaced it with the happy frog. after...
  5. D

    How am i doing? any advice

    How long should i let them stay dry in between watering
  6. D

    How am i doing? any advice

    I started the plant on the left which is grand daddy purple on 11/18/13. germinated the seed for 2 days in a wet paper towel then planted after it "cracked". I had my t5 light about 2-3" off the plant thinking it would grow into the light but it never did. It just stayed about one inch tall. but...
  7. D

    light too close. need advice. HELP

    i bought feminized grand daddy purple seeds from thats whats in the terra cotta pot. thats been goin since november 18th. i dunno what the hell is goin on. im gettin a ton of leaves growing but no vertical growth. im using miracle grow garden soil that i picked up from home depot...
  8. D

    light too close. need advice. HELP

    the plant in the small black pot is a bag seed and the terra cotta pot is grand daddy purple. I had might light about 2-3 inches above the plants thinking they'd grow into the light and thats when i'd have to move them. well it only casued them to be lazy and not grow vertically. i have a couple...
  9. D

    Looking for advice

    What brand of soil would you recommend
  10. D

    Looking for advice

    i was planning on using some cfl bulbs for side lighting once it get to that point
  11. D

    Looking for advice

    So i bought a new T5 Lighting system 4 2' bulbs. i got Feminized Grand Daddy Purple seeds. Im only gonna do 3 plants to start and because of space restrictions. I've been germinating 3 seeds in a small bag with a lil bit of water for about 1 1/2 days. They've all sprouted but aren't really all...
  12. D

    Need help, tips, tricks.

    So i recently bought a T5 lighting system. 8000 Lums 6400k bulbs in right now. I wanted to know how long i should set the timer for. i was thinking 18 on and 6 off. Right now i got some bag seeds going but i am waiting on some Feminized grand daddy purple seeds to get here so i wanna get this...
  13. D

    T5 lighting

    Im gonna start a grow and just purchased a t5 lighting system. are they any good? please let me know what you think and any suggestions on the process. Gonna be using dirt as my grow medium.
  14. D

    wet grass smell. stems not snaping

    i had no choice but to harvest. i got sick and was in the hospital for over a week with noone watering them. i had cut the whole plant down and hung upside down in my grow closet with the door cracked and a small fan blowing the stale air out. After what i thought was an appropriate time i...
  15. D

    wet grass smell. stems not snaping

    i cut my plants down about a month ago due to them drying out and all the leaves shriveled up. now they still have that wet grass smell and the stems are still bending instead of snapping. i have them in jars with the lids off to allow moisture to evaporate and the grass smell to go away but...
  16. D

    question bout wet grass smell

    this is what it looks like now
  17. D

    question bout wet grass smell

    ive had these buds off the plant now for bout a week. i have them in a jar with the lid off but they smell like wet grass. any help is appreciated
  18. D

    Small stem 3 weeks

    Up your light. You need atleast 18 hours of light if not 24. Turn your fan up. And don't rush it. I'd say atleast 1 1/2 months of veg if not 2. More time u veg bigger nd stronger the plant will be. 3 weeks is WAY too early to flower. If your using cfl to grow use 5000k spectrum bulbs for veg nd...
  19. D

    CFL grow and i think its lookin pretty damn good.

    So far so good. Still growing lots of bud sites. Looks good to me for what I have to work with