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  1. I

    help a newbie is this a hermie???? 2 pollon sacs?? beside white pistils

    hi all thanks for reply out 4 plants 2 females are big ,cut male other day then found these balls today its 5 weeks old but hasnt been getting much light been just letting it grow with not much light . does anyone know how long the plants stretch for i switched 12/12 2 weeks ago were at 1ft and...
  2. I

    help a newbie is this a hermie???? 2 pollon sacs?? beside white pistils

    theres white pistil to right off nuts then look at top pic theres more pistils?
  3. I

    Welcome New Members!

    just online thanks for reply .its just on one leaf so far so hope its just nut burn
  4. I

    Welcome New Members!

    hi newbie here could anyone help me ? just on week 4 veg its my first grow just spotted this like burn etc on leaf tip any1 have clue whats wrong