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  1. D

    my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)

    Namaste, Interesting, my experience with Hindustan extends primarily to coastal cities, although Delhi still seemed pretty humid when I was up there! Maybe I should consider a move to Bangalore if you can grow indicas outdoors there. ;) I grew an Andhra Pradeshi sativa outdoors in a place...
  2. D

    my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)

    Guys, if you plan on growing outdoors, stick with sativa-dominant strains since indicas will rot in South Indian humidity and rain. Also please be careful not to let your pollen hit Indian landrace populations. Much of the world's cannabis is descended from Indian strains and we should preserve...
  3. D

    my outdoor grow in india (12 latitude)

    Interesting thread! In my experience Indian sativas are lower in potency due to lack of selection techniques, but make up for it with a very good quality high (you just need to smoke more). If I lived in India, I'd only grow pure sativas because of the heat and humidity. That and sunlight is...