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  1. GordonFreeman

    Underage Highness

    My friends the other day expected me to pass my shit to a 10 year old who never smoked before. Fuck That. Is that really sharring the love or is it corrupting a young mind? If i wouldnt have started smoking at such a young age id probley be alot better off right now.
  2. GordonFreeman

    Hey Where Ya From?(area code)

    336 ive meet quite a few from the same area on this website:D
  3. GordonFreeman

    Where are the gun enthusiasts? Part 2

    i keep a taurus judge in my bottom dresser, i once shot some birdshot at a guy trying to jack my father's tractor in the middle off the night.
  4. GordonFreeman

    When your high do you laugh more then normal?

    yeah, but it might just be because it puts me in a better mood
  5. GordonFreeman

    10 year old kid comming to live with me...

    yep it sucks
  6. GordonFreeman

    Omg those homos messed up my tattoo!!!!!!

    oh yeah like the kanji i always see slapped on people's bodies. Half of those people probley dont even know what it means. Dewahbangonanbandeska.(:
  7. GordonFreeman

    Omg those homos messed up my tattoo!!!!!!

    hmmm...wonder how much that would cost
  8. GordonFreeman

    Omg those homos messed up my tattoo!!!!!!

    haha thats further down in the list of "tattoos i want" 2nd place is a NORML logo.
  9. GordonFreeman

    Omg those homos messed up my tattoo!!!!!!

    i dont give a crap about whats popular and whats not. IF i think its cool, then its cool.
  10. GordonFreeman

    Omg those homos messed up my tattoo!!!!!!

    idk. I have a peace sign on the back of my neck but my hair usually covers it. I want something someone can see and thats not a "sissy" tattoo. i say Sissy because of how small it is.
  11. GordonFreeman

    Omg those homos messed up my tattoo!!!!!!

    go for it! maybe one day ill see someone with my tattoo and ill be like "oh shit thats that guy from RIU"
  12. GordonFreeman

    what would happen if..........

    haha this is like the 103947809235 time ive heard that one. I think its retarded, to my knowledge it doesnt. I could be wrong. You should find out!
  13. GordonFreeman

    Omg those homos messed up my tattoo!!!!!!

    jk. did that to get your attention:mrgreen:. Thinking about getting a tattoo similar to this one on my left arm. What do you think? And I dont mean if it was on your body. I mean what do you think of the design.
  14. GordonFreeman

    New Pot Ninja!

    just this morning i rambled through my whole vehicle looking for my lighter and i found it between legs
  15. GordonFreeman

    This is ludicrous

    i blame the dude in the black and white part of pineapple express
  16. GordonFreeman

    Them blue lights caught up with me.

    haha, im giving +rep out like candy on halloween thanks for the nice replys you guys and yes i drive better while im high too, i dont go as fast
  17. GordonFreeman

    An Ape ambushes visitors at zoo :)

    haha got to love the way you put a smile face after the title
  18. GordonFreeman

    close call with the police

    haha i avoided a close one the other day too, and also i was caught in highschool for resin:wall:
  19. GordonFreeman

    Strange little habbits

    I cannot use any bathroom without checking behind the shower or door/curtian of some sort.
  20. GordonFreeman

    please read

    haha yeah but i dont think anyone will blame us because if they do i will just point the finger at my bong lolz. But i think that chick did just have a low tolerance or something.