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  1. B

    small & browning leaves

    Thanks man for helping me. I think I will be making a grow journal soon so look out for it.
  2. B

    small & browning leaves

    I have very sad news I was to late and she totally crisp :cry:. I will learn from this and now I am more prepared and I made a beginners mistake. I have many more seeds and saw the aerogarden my cousin bought and thought about using it. What do you think?
  3. B

    small & browning leaves

    I forgot 1 but I dout you can help with these pics anyway so i'll try to get better ones by Monday.
  4. B

    small & browning leaves

    I got some pics of but there pretty much worthless cause there really blury.
  5. B

    Cannabis Bill

    Yeah they are interviewing people talking about it on CNN
  6. B

    Cannabis Bill

    They are trying to pass a bill that anyone in the United States can own up to 100 grams of marijuana. Legally! It is on CNN and Fox world news.
  7. B

    small & browning leaves

    What do you mean by cut back on nutes?
  8. B

    small & browning leaves

    I can lower it with viniger in my water right?
  9. B

    small & browning leaves

    I'll go buy a camera and thanks for being here from the beginning but I need to get a better one anyway so i can start a journal on the plant I have now.
  10. B

    small & browning leaves

    Ok I think I have concluded that this is a nitrogen deficiency. The npk of the solution I had was 24-8-16 but I bought schultz liquid plant food at 10-15-10.I dont have the camera right now so im sorry for those who wanted a pic.Organic bug spray, water, and schutz food is all im using. So if I...
  11. B

    small & browning leaves

    Ok, I am still goin to get pics as soon as i can but now it seems as if growth is stunted,the leaves that are not brown and crisping are turnig purple,the leaves that are brown seem to rise up toward the light when they turn brown. When i looked around the forum I found that the first set of...
  12. B

    small & browning leaves

    Ok I will get pics as soon as I can but my set up is cheap. I have 2 100wt cfl and 1 I think 75wt cfl all are in shop lamps for only 1 plant going right now. I have been giving it schultz expert all purpose fert. and have a fan blowing on it. I water every 3-4 days clear distilled water one day...
  13. B

    small & browning leaves

    Can someone please reply.
  14. B

    small & browning leaves

    Hi, I was wondering why my plants leaves are so small it has 4 sets of true leaves and is a purple power. I think it is about maybe 24 days old. Also the first set & second set of true leaves are browning. Is all this normal?
  15. B

    Keeping my plants short

    Thanks that helped :mrgreen:
  16. B

    Keeping my plants short

    Hi, I am planting purple power seeds in my back yard but my fence is only about 6ft tall. how can i keep my sativas short?
  17. B

    Welcome New Members!

    Yes, thank you :mrgreen:
  18. B

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everyone, I am new to this forum but i was wondering how to post pics on this site :confused: This has probably been answered millions of times...sorry but Thanks