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  1. underdog1108


    ok how much do they cost also I use clean rain water for the plant to is that fine. So you are saying dont use the organic bone meal anymore? I only use about a tablespoon full a week ago.
  2. underdog1108

    Egg Shells in Soil?

    hey how many times should you fertilize using eggshells I have some that been soaking for quite a while now I perfer using it the liquid form is that ok? it stinks very bad doe.
  3. underdog1108


    Hello I have a kush plant about 6 weeks and i dont know what to do far as fertilizer i have bone meal organic but dont know when or how much to use?............ been in flowering stage for 11 days.
  4. underdog1108


    I have a plant about 6 weeks old and I wanted to know how many time should I fertilize using organic bone meal? I will post pics in one sec.