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  1. M

    Plants aren't too well, stressed a lot already?

    Thanks for that. That makes sense to me (I think) as at one point to combat powdery mold the leaves were sprayed with a solution, but the pH level of the water was too high I think, maybe even 7.0-7.5. Would this have had the nutrient blocking effect you speak of to the leaves? As I...
  2. M

    Plants aren't too well, stressed a lot already?

    Hey brotha... appreciate the reply! I believe I may have overwatered then... they soil always seemed quite dry when I was watering though, and I would be going 4ish days between, but likely added too much when I did. I'm using a blend that was recommended online and through a couple of growers...
  3. M

    Plants aren't too well, stressed a lot already?

    Hey guys... not sure what I've been doing wrong, but my plants have not looked to healthy since the first week or growth. They are a few weeks old now, but have gone through some shit... they were germinated in rockwool cubes then put into soil (I guess this can cause a lot of overwater /...