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  1. sky high stoner

    My mom & weed

    i agree its mind over matter and if u want somthing and your stoned youll get it done think of all the stupid shit u may have done when stoned
  2. sky high stoner


  3. sky high stoner


    about two and a half years ago I aquired a half oz of blueberry from my mom it was the best shit iv ever smoked it had me high all night ( not the hole half) but a 0.5 gram joint between three people there was a forth person that wasent even smokin but got high off the fumes out side. we went to...
  4. sky high stoner

    How Is U.S Weed?

    :roll: oh shit nice collection pipes bud and hash can go wrong there:hump:
  5. sky high stoner

    How Is U.S Weed?

    this here is some white rhino and we are radiation free. this shit will knock your fucking socks off, the last shit I had had me seein shit thats good cheeb
  6. sky high stoner

    Have I offended you or been an asshole to you?

    this site kicks ass every one is very informative and no one seems to be an ass hole keep on tokeing that smoke
  7. sky high stoner

    How Is U.S Weed?

    somthin alittle like this is what im used to
  8. sky high stoner

    How Is U.S Weed?

    Iam from Canada.and ill post pics asap me and three other buddies smoked a 4 gram splif and we couldent finish it , we hade the munchies like a mother fucker
  9. sky high stoner

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    here in the contry I pay roughly 140 an oz for white widow 1800 a pound if I want it but I get my pot for free its nice
  10. sky high stoner

    How Is U.S Weed?

    I know that 0.5g of my shit will get you shit faced
  11. sky high stoner

    Weed songs

    oh shit you cant compeat against Pink Floyd but I got my own songs heres a demo so this is acid and I over dosed I ate that big mushroom and got really stoned, see the rhino just bit me but its all in my mind that mushroom that I ate just wasent my kink sir.. so I draw trippy pictures when...
  12. sky high stoner

    Canadian Kindness

    I live in ontario and I recently got busted for almost 1/2 oz they hand cuffed me gave me a bunch of fines and took my shit, they tried saying I was a dealer, I WASENT HAVING THAT. BUT THE FUCKED UP THING ( NOT BAD) is they charge me take me to court but they pay for me to fight the case. the...
  13. sky high stoner

    Free Seeds Contest Jan18-feb18

    tell you what ill track down an old photo of a 12 foot nothern lights cross, last year we had 9 foot but they got crop hunted shit
  14. sky high stoner

    6th week of flowering has commenced!!/with unexpected setbacks

    BEAUtiful good shit you must be proud of your ladies
  15. sky high stoner


    its better to have the humidity level lower than recomended because u can always spray your plants. this way you dont screw up and get fungus. but make sure that there is good circulation
  16. sky high stoner

    Lights 24/7 or 18/6 Confused.

    people get a heat lamp or small space heater when you are not using the lights. it does work but make sure that there is good circulation, after all in the wild tempuature does drop slightly at night the space heater has worked for me
  17. sky high stoner

    Little help please =D

    your light does effect the plant because your light is burning your plant it happend to a friend. make sure its not too hot and try misting your plant with a spray bottle. using mineralized water well water works great. also how many hours of light are you giving it