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  1. S

    Elite Member

    Yes, it is actually. I wont give my CC to people that are so sketchy they wont even accept paypal. If they are too lazy to setup a paypal account then I am to lazy to go to the store or bank to get a money order to snail mail it to them.(wait..where does the snail mail go?? How does he cash...
  2. S

    Elite Member

    I didnt know it was illegal to be associated with a growing forum... And if you're dumb enough to make a huge website about growing while you're doing it you deserve to get burnt. No matter what there is a trail, what like taking peoples credit card info and charging them doesn't trace back to...
  3. S

    the 10 different type of pot dealers...

    My old guy was a johnny dependable, I miss him.
  4. S

    Elite Member

    Wait..what? Make a paypal account based on an email address, like gmail. You then post your email address here on the website that you have a paypal account with. People like myself will then paypal money to that email address. How does that process have anything to do with this website...
  5. S

    Elite Member

    Why can't i just paypal you money to become elite?
  6. S

    whats up =)

    Welcome man!
  7. S

    What do you HATE most about human kind?

    I hate most the people that do not let people merge/pull in to traffic. You are the same ones that dont wave when I let you in. I feel like if everyone lived with a friendly traffic attitude the entire world would be an amazing friendly place.
  8. S

    Hola From Portland!

    I just wanted to say whats up from Portland. I just moved here from Idaho and I moved into a rental...SAD. Hopefully I'll buy soon so I can get a nice little room setup..again...Right at the bottom of my white widow. Its like finishing the end of a nice bottle of wine, you have to just kick back...
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    Pump failure. :-(

    Dr, thanks. Should I kill my fan or make any other changes? Right now they are on the same cycle as before, getting fed 3 times a day during their 18 hour light cycle.
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    Pump failure. :-(

    So, I am not 100% when my pump failed, I just know that it did. In the morning my plants looked great, I came home late in the afternoon and checked them out and there they were, piles of green leaves. I instantly checked the pump, saw it was dead, and replaced it with my back up. I misted the...
  11. S video ??

    I am using mr greens drip system setup and so far it has been extremely easy in my opinion. Of course this is my first "real" grow so I dont have a lot of comparison, but eh i wouldnt call what I am doing hard or complicated. Try it out. :-):peace:
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    Pot size for mother

    I am started on my first grow and I have a white widow female(feminized seeds) that is doing exceptionally well and I want to make her my first mother. I am running a hydro drip system with rockwool cubes. I just picked up a sack of clay potting pellets. Anyway, I am just curious what ya'll are...
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    What Do You Like To Do When You're High?

    I LOVE watching American Dad when having a smoke. Video games, sex are up there. Of course when smoking with a buddy i love just getting retarded giggly, so much your face hurts. Sometime just turn on american dad to try it out. The random sexist/fat/other jokes tear me up when im blazed.
  14. S

    Hello from ID. :-)

    I have been lurking for awhile but I thought now it might be good to say hello and see how the roll it up world is doing. Anyway, I am on my first "real" grow so maybe i will do a grow diary or something on here, I havent decided yet. Honestly it has been going much much easier than expected...