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  1. 7

    eh... just lost now... leaf issue

    well my little sprout in in the aero garden the two round leaves fell off and it had grown two small pointy ones keep in mind this plant pointy leaves are still smaller then the round leaves that start the plant to give u a size factor first they started to curl down tho i notice 2 more pointy...
  2. 7

    growth prob

    mine seems to be dying now the leaves are turning mostly brown and looks like it is gonna just die =S i dunno why
  3. 7

    growth prob

    bump bump bump
  4. 7

    Mylar Types

    smart... never thought of trying it cool
  5. 7

    growth prob

    naw but i think it had something to do with the roots not being able to grow threw the medium so im using something softer now and i changed the lighting basically i put it in the aero garden pro 200 which apparently has twice the lighting and is twice the size of the pro 100 i know i know its...
  6. 7

    My Buddy snapped my plant....

    lolz plant grafting 101 could live could die but if it seems okie then it probally is
  7. 7

    Small Prob...What should I do?

    trimming leaves i dunno but a fly catcher wouldnt hurt
  8. 7

    growth prob

    ill try to get a picture up im doing it hydroponicly so no soil and im using nutrient solution
  9. 7

    At this rate.....I dont have forever...Pics Incld

    =( mine are growing even slower then that... been a week and they arent even 1/3 the size of ur first pic
  10. 7

    growth prob

    2 4ft floursence and 2 cfl 37 watt bulbs at 2inch from the plant
  11. 7

    growth prob

    i dunno my seeds took like 2 weeks to germinate and reach about a half inch in size now its about the same size 6 days later and i do have 2 pointed leaves and the rounded starter leaves seem to be dying off which i knew they would but my plant is so small for the time thats gone by isnt it...
  12. 7

    far as i know i dont see much on this subject *sponges*

    oh btw u may find this vry funny YouTube - Sponge Bong i stumbled upon it today also search fluffee he has some really funny weed related videos as well
  13. 7

    far as i know i dont see much on this subject *sponges*

    yeah man thats rly awesome i read everything about growing but sense im doing things differently i wondered what others thought also the whole 2 inch kept to plant so that it doesnt strech out and become weak but shorter bushier better ive also heard if u cut the bottom leaves off and leave the...
  14. 7

    far as i know i dont see much on this subject *sponges*

    my plant ish vry small its basically not even a plant yet its got 2 round leaves that started it the ones that will eventually fall off and it also has 2 pointy leaves the ^.^ but whats funny is most video timelapses ive watched it gets like a few inches tall before i notice the leaves on theirs...
  15. 7

    far as i know i dont see much on this subject *sponges*

    consider i havnt grown and had a plant living ever... for more then say a week... so... im not saying i plant and kill shit its just i normally plant nothing and when i do i kill it lolz as for sugar thanks for the tip um im using a nutrient i got from a store that u add to water and im using...
  16. 7


    well my weed plant i started i spliced the sponge with a cut half way into the sponge both left and right across the center and placed my small 2 round leafed plant into it then used a peice of plumbers tape around it to hold it tight so the roots are not exposed to light now whats funny is ive...
  17. 7

    First Pc Grow!

    well u could always use ducting for computer cases normally in the back of a pc case u have a fan up top or down low near the power supply area well u can add a duct work pipe *actually used with computers to take the hot air from the computer and flush it where u want id say connect it to a...
  18. 7

    My crappy setup

    u give me more hope showing me how well ur plant is doing im using two bulbs like urs and 2 3-4 ft floures and instead of computer fans im using a huge white fan one that move left to right my plant looks good so far its my first grow also only difference is mines rly short with only 4 leaves...
  19. 7

    far as i know i dont see much on this subject *sponges*

    well ive heard they cause no ph fluxuations in the few aero garden discussions ive read and as for pores why not if they can grow threw soil and rockmoss and sponge rock and the aero garden uses the same technique to grow other seeds i wouldnt see why not its day 4 and the plant ish a little bit...
  20. 7

    far as i know i dont see much on this subject *sponges*

    okie noob question whats in sugar that helps? or molasses