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  1. C

    unsure of sex

    if the hairs are fine and white ( 2 either side of the stem)then i would wait a while,the balls on the male plant will certainly be obvious before he can open his pollen sacs, but if in doubt then suggest remove plant just in case. good luck.
  2. C

    unsure of sex

    dont pull the plug just yet,looks abit early to tell.pic 1 looks like new growth at the node points with your fan leaves. what looks like 2 horns just below the node points will eventually show a pair of white pistil hairs if it`s a female, otherwise it will show small balls which develope...
  3. C

    Best MH bulbs for flowering???? HELP PLZ

    use your mh lamp for veg cycle only,emits light mainly in the blue wavelength, for a proper dense crop use a hps bulb (red end of spectrum) a 600w hps at 3 feet above your plants emits 10,000 lumens at your plant tops (which is the minimum ideally) a 400w bulb will give you the same at 27 inch...
  4. C

    Plants Drooping At Night, Help!!!

    brown leaf tips signify nute burn,replace existing nutes with correct cf & ph,give a flush with ph adjusted water for a day or two first,mould,use h2o2 as said previously to remove,400 hps at 12" might be to hot (unless air cooled) and lead to lumen burn,edge of leaf will curl upward slightly...
  5. C

    Rust Colored Spots on HinduKush Fan Leaves, Please help me brothas

    invest in a ph meter,definitely looks like a magnesium deficiency probably caused by nutrient lock when the ph is wrong for the medium you are growing in. check instructions on your medium & nutrient manufacturer`s containers or web site.
  6. C

    1x White Whidow under HPS 400w

    re watering/feed cycles mine was grown in 35 litre containers with my own compost/soil mix the drainage was excellent and the finger test told me when it was dry, your containers/mix might require a different regime. hydrogen peroxide will give extra oxygen but also i believe it will oxidize all...
  7. C

    Ozone damage!

    definitely looks like a mag deficiency, i would swap the nute for fresh and set at the correct cf & ph,also lights and roots don`t mix,cover up away from light or you will start having problems with your roots.
  8. C

    1x White Whidow under HPS 400w

    i`m mainly a hydroponicist but have some experience with growing in soil, i would water every 2 days with a nutrient mixed at the recommended level otherwise to much nute will burn the roots which will show on the leaves as brown scorch marks,then every 2 weeks use just plain water to flush out...