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  1. jnpmp5

    Show Off Your Buds (Pics) (Cfls only)

    white widow on 2 CFL's producing only 16000 lumens.....not to shabby huh?
  2. jnpmp5

    Greetings from Austin, TX

    Profcash - Hey I live just outside of austin, but am up that way more often than am home. My girlfriend and I live in Ceder Creek, just down 71 toward bastrop. Would like to also meet some like minded people, exspecially ones that know what they are actually talking about, I'm tired of those...
  3. jnpmp5

    Not to bad for first widow grow

    Not to bad for first widow grow
  4. jnpmp5

    Contest entry! Build your own Bubbleponics system! for under 80$

    After using the 6 plant system from I don't see having more than 6 girls in that setup, maybe like 8 or 10 clones let em veg for like 3 & 1/2 wks then flower, probably better to use a floodtable for that kinda garden
  5. jnpmp5

    Contest entry! Build your own Bubbleponics system! for under 80$

    I have the bubbleponics system from, and I do agree that it would be eazy to get the parts for the system; however, the kit from takes all the guessing and/or questions outta the picture, everything is included to grow with and the price isn't at all outrageous...
  6. jnpmp5

    Do these white widow buds look ready for harvest?

    hey just curious your name is victor ville and live in central texas ? just curious cause the vv, friend i used to talk to has the same "odd" initials...
  7. jnpmp5

    Do these white widow buds look ready for harvest?

    They seem as though they aren't ripening up, only about 1/2 the pistils are turning red, trichomes are getting milky though...when do i pic?
  8. jnpmp5

    Do these white widow buds look ready for harvest?

    Was curious if these buds were ready to harvest? The plants seem to not be finishing....week 9 of flowering stage, widow should only take 8-9 weeks...and mine seem to be stuck at about week 6 1/2 or 7...any suggestions would be appreciated.