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  1. Clever Fox

    Your 1st time

    The first time I smoked I was drunk and went to the park late at night with my twin sister. I asked this random guy who was playing basketball if he had weed and he let me smoke a couple of times. I don't think I smoked much at all. haha I was stupid but it's funny remembering. I don't think I...
  2. Clever Fox

    What games got you into gaming?

    Hmm.. My Uncle just gave me a lot of his old games when I was like 12 or something so I guess Tomb Raider did for a bit and then resident Evil 3, I loved that game. It was like the only one I played.
  3. Clever Fox


    Ahh.. I'm not addicted but I've been playing it more recently. My world got deleted though! so it sucksss
  4. Clever Fox

    Hellooo ;D

    Helloo, I'm Jelena. I just figured I'd check this out, It's always nice to learn more about weed and meet people. And since I couldn't sleep, it's just something to do right now. haha but yeah my mind is kinda blank so I'll just go explore now.