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  1. M

    bubblegum in flower

    hi mate how long did you veg for did u start from seed or clone?
  2. M

    how do i make a mother plant??

    y did u have to flower ure mother plant wat light did u keep it under? can it be any strain
  3. M

    how do i make a mother plant??

    hi i have on grow under my belt but now im having trouble geting cutings can anyone tell me how i can keep a mother plant do i just never swich to 12/12? how big do they grow? any info on this subject will be great
  4. M


    just looks abit strest mate give it time to recover and feed it
  5. M

    Not enough hours in the day!!!

    sorry man didnt know u was flowering
  6. M

    Not enough hours in the day!!!

    leave ur lights on for 24 h it will luv it
  7. M

    Strech reduction

    dont have the light to far away from top of plant after the first week of sproting cut a 5 litter bottle in half and stik it ocer ur plant then u can have the light as close as u want take a look at my pics
  8. M

    my 5 week veg what do u think??

    im useing a 250w hps but will go upto 400w hps for flowering
  9. M

    my 5 week veg what do u think??

    good idea mate but i get my clones for next to nothing will keep that in mind incase my supply drys up:joint::mrgreen:
  10. M

    my first grow how do they look and a few ?s

    yes mate lovely!!!!:joint::mrgreen:
  11. M

    my 5 week veg what do u think??

    yes mate why do u ask??:mrgreen:
  12. M

    my 5 week veg what do u think??

    i dont think its that tall yet and has more potental what u say????
  13. M

    my 5 week veg what do u think??

    sorry man do u think its worth going for a few more weeks then mate
  14. M

    my 5 week veg what do u think??

    i think ill wait for 2-3 weeks yet not an impatient person
  15. M

    my 5 week veg what do u think??

    what do u think
  16. M

    my first grow how do they look and a few ?s

    they are looking real nice keep up the good work
  17. M

    My Plant is Better Than Yours...

    re pot as soon as u can the bigger the better or u can wait till ur roots poke out the bottem ur plant will benefit so much
  18. M

    my first grow how do they look and a few ?s

    give them a little while longer they will grow try to be more confident in bending them they are tougher than u think !! get some string its vital thet when u tie it down the string isnt strangleing the stem here is a pic of my stem.:joint:
  19. M

    my first grow how do they look and a few ?s

    have you tried training your plant this helps to get the bushynes ur looking for
  20. M

    First grow, first stealth cabinet

    go for a 250w hps will do wonders