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  1. B

    Pics of Grow - When should I start to Flower?

    WOW! Great pictures. I do see how both of you have a point and that topping seems to be the way to go. A few Questions? How do you actually top? How far down do you go? And can I clone the top?
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    Pics of Grow - When should I start to Flower?

    Yes, i was planning on flowering all at once. This is my only space. I don't understand Topping???? I thought you didn't want to mess with the top part becasue that is where you get the biggest bud? Can you explain further. Thanks!
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    Pics of Grow - When should I start to Flower?

    First real grow. Been veggin from bag seed about 3 weeks. 24/7. Soil with ph of about 6. Humidity between 50-55 %. Temp between 84-86 . Feed with every water(using fresh well water with ph of 5.5-6. 20-20-20 mix with 1/4 tsp of epsom salt. Using 100w equilivent CFL's on 8 plants and rotating...
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    PLEASE HELP! PIcs of plant. Is she dead?

    I did put in a few drops of superthrive this morning in the water. Should i give more or less?
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    PLEASE HELP! PIcs of plant. Is she dead?

    First Gro. 4 1/2 weeks into flowering. Everything has been going great. Room got too hot and apparently she got heat stress. I have added a 140cfm exhaust fan to closet, moved lights up higher, cooled roots last two days with distilled water, she looks even worse today than these pics from...
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    Rockwool, clone question

    I have a few clones that have started to root. Right now theya re in perlite in a bubble resv. set up. I put them in the large ent baskes to start with and I don't think they are getting enought water or something. I picked up some 1/.5" rockwool cubes today and the 2" net pots. Can i put them...
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    PIcs of my first resevoir set up

    Okay, Well, i will have to move them up some in the morning. Hopefully I haven't messed anything up already. I feel like i am having to change stuff every day. Now, these are newly rooted plants, like not 2 weeks rooted. Still leave them above water and jsut have several airstones,right?
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    PIcs of my first resevoir set up

    Okay, well I just planted this system this afternoon, The soil minture is fresh and the resv. water is distilled, so I don't know how it could be contaminated....?
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    PIcs of my first resevoir set up

    What is that?
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    PIcs of my first resevoir set up

    Yes they are. I have drain holes in the bottom and holes in the sides for the roots to be able to grow thru. Are they not suppose to be down in the water?
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    PIcs of my first resevoir set up

    First set up. 6 refelctors with y connectors and 2 cfl's 26w (1750 luminens each) in each reflector. Total of 12 lgihts altogether. 18/6 light cycle. nutes in water with bubble stone and pump. i know i need to put black around base of container. Will do. Just wanted to see if this looks right...
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    Reservoir Question

    First grow and I am ging to make a small resevoir for my clones that are going into veg. I've been reading and have a question.... When i cut the lid? of the container for the pots, dothe pots actuall rest in the water? like sit on the bottom? and then there is like 2" of water around the pots...
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    Ideas for a hydro garden

    Hi guys this is my first grow. Right now I am manually watering my plants. i have access to them anytime throughout the day, so it's not really a bother. But , I keep reading about all fo these self-watering systems and I was wondering if it's better to set one up. I would have to build it...
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    CFL light question

    This is my first grow. I currently have 2 females flowering. So, I made a rookie mistake and bought 4 4'floursecent 2 light fixtures when i started a month and half ago. FOr my new little veg cabinet I purchased 26W cool white cfl lights with metal reflectors. I have fan running in both...
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    This is my first grow. I currently have 2 females flowering nicely. I took several clones from them during veg stage about 3 weeks ago. Out of the 8 cuttings 6 are rooted. My question is this. A couple of them have already grown about 2", the others are nada, just roots. How long arox does it...
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    setting up a seperate Veg Closet

    I have been looking and couldn't find any pre-wired ones, plus, i already have so much invested in the 48" lights i have. I'm not trying to be cheap.....well, i guess i am >:
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    setting up a seperate Veg Closet

    So, My first grow. I have 2 females flowering nicely in my room. I have set up my clones that have rooted in a 24" wide 6' tall cabinet. not in the closet but right outside it. Question is this, all of my lights are 48" long and will not hang horiz. Is it okay for the clones to have...
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    Can I transplant my flowering plant

    Great advice thanks!
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    Can I transplant my flowering plant

    Thanks. I was given this plant atlike 5 weeks old. My friend didn't know about being specific about lights and all, so she left it in her garage for like 4 days with no light, so when i got it it had already started to flower. I tried to convert it back to veg so that it could get bigger, but it...
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    Can I transplant my flowering plant

    Are there any benefits to transplanting it now? I mean, will it get bigger, or produce more buds, or bigger buds?