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  1. W

    White Widow x Big Bud: Strain Reviews

    im am doing this strain as well. only a week and a half into flower and i am well over 2ft. these girls are growing an inch every other day! be careful in the beginning as they can grow top heavy and fall over due to the top weight. from what i have heard and read this is a great strain with...
  2. W

    Female Seeds White Widow x Big Bud

    im doi g the same strain right now. about 4 weeks in. mine got top heavy real quick so keep an eye out for that. i went away for a few days and came back to find them on their sides. i was able to rescue them back to good health but lost a week. good luck and looking good so far.
  3. W

    Ocho2 Returns! 400W HPS Critical Kush, Exodus Kush, Pineapple Chunk, Jamican Dream!:D

    looking good, i willbe along for the ride. just curious, on your wwxbb grow did they get top heavy at the beginning of veg?
  4. W

    Review: Solis Tek Matrix

    hey guys, dontwaste your money. my 3 month old solistek matrix failed and shitcanned mycrop 2 weeks before harvest. i would not recommend this POS to anybody!