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  1. African Herbsman

    Curing w/ Flavors????

    we got those Dutch Masters I recommend Grape or Honey
  2. African Herbsman

    Anyone know what this is???

    rofl yeah thats the only way to find out
  3. African Herbsman

    66 site hydro started, opinions please.

    huh. well keep me up to date i might be able to take some of that bud off ur hands when ur done with it
  4. African Herbsman

    So I have this fridge lying around...

    if you do this let me know cause i also have an old fridge so that would be nice to have as a grow set up also.
  5. African Herbsman

    Ashes, compost, animals

    haha like in how high
  6. African Herbsman


    haha not me
  7. African Herbsman

    Secrets of the trade

    This is the tricks of the trade thread. Post any little tricks that you know. An example is molasses in water makes denser buds. Anything that makes your plant grow better.
  8. African Herbsman

    My pot movie

    Buddy your sick!
  9. African Herbsman


    yeah its legit should I get only 1 of those
  10. African Herbsman


    thats what i was saying me and my friend are growing these plants and he isn't listening to me so i am getting your advise. we have shitty lights, what should i be using?
  11. African Herbsman


  12. African Herbsman

    Ashes, compost, animals

    haha thanx man yeah i was thinking the same thing about the animal
  13. African Herbsman

    Ashes, compost, animals

    Hey everyone I was wondering a couple things about soil. 1. will wood ashes work as a soil mixture 2. will compost help with growth 3. if i put a dead animal at the bottom of the pot and cover it with soil will it help make the weed grow faster and stronger thanx
  14. African Herbsman


    i have 2 plants that look like they are lacking the bushiness that plants usually look like also i am worried because they are flowering do they look right?
  15. African Herbsman

    cop trouble!!!

    DO IT! You Bitch
  16. African Herbsman

    60 Plant Grow Setup

    dam keep my updated
  17. African Herbsman

    here's an update after about month

    damn they look good
  18. African Herbsman

    My plants not enough light

    money isn't a factor for me but i dont want something thats overkill