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  1. K

    Plants going "Brittle"

    No kidding. I really thought I had the water perfect... I guess not. Thanks for the help. :joint:
  2. K

    Plants going "Brittle"

    Anthing helps dudes. I tried to get these pictures up but my camera is so horrible at a close distance, I get nothing but distorted pictures. I can at least show you my set up though. The main thing I wanted to point out in my pictures is pretty much what I said. The leaves are browning, and...
  3. K

    Plants going "Brittle"

    So these guys are roughly 14 days into growth. And Ive been watering them once a day. I know that seems like too much. But I have only been giving them 2 table spoons of water at a time. Im using a shop ballast with two 4 foot flourescent bulbs under 24 hours of light. I also have a fan that is...
  4. K

    Droopage - Need HELP

    Thanks for the tip. I did kinda go to the extreme when I saw no one posting any replies. And I trimmed the two leaves that it had. And it seems to be perking up. Also gave it about 200ml of H2O. And it seems to be doing just fine.
  5. K

    Droopage - Need HELP

    Bump, Im begging! kiss-ass I love all of them equally. One down is another part of my heart gone. Hehe.
  6. K

    Droopage - Need HELP

    Please, I need some information quickly. I would like to get this corrected in the next few hours. It seems like some hardcore shock. But Ive never dealt with that before. Should I trim a leaf or two? that might make the droopage not as bad ( But I would think that would be more shock. ) Any...
  7. K

    Droopage - Need HELP

    Okay so I had a little guy growing outdoor that I must have over-looked. I thought I brought them all inside. From Root tip to top of the plant is roughly 5 inches long. Not very old. I took it out of the ground outside last night, while it was dark and transplanted it into a pot with just plan...
  8. K

    Lighting Question

    How old? - Sprouted roughly 2 weeks ago. They are all about 4 inches tall with the light fixture about 2-3 inches above all the plants. What am I feeding them? - Currently the nutrients are only from the soil. I do have Grow / Bloom / Micro from advanced Nutrients for when they get bigger. I...
  9. K

    Lighting Question

    Shop light with two fluro tubes. Ive got them about... 4 inchest above my little guys. Just curious... Is fluro lighting healthy for the plants? And another question... Yellowing of some of the leaves... That means, not enough N, P, or K? Any answers / tips help out.
  10. K

    Nutrients: How much is enough?

    Yep. I just got my camera back from a friend. Getting a memory stick and some batteries and Ill have some pictures of my set-up. Ill also show you all the little guys that I got after about a week and a half since planted. ( Didnt do any Germination method, just threw them in the soil. ) :joint:
  11. K

    why all these germination techniques?

    Yep. Im just learning that that is the reason why. I just planted a whole buncha bag seed about two weeks ago in some pots. Some sprouted and are already starting their growth. Some... I have not seen yet. So yeah... Germination in a tissue or what-not will definately spare you the trouble Im...
  12. K

    Nutrients: How much is enough?

    Bump. Any info, criticism helps. :joint:
  13. K

    Just another newb ??

    You always want to have a nutrient flush from what I have heard and read. Dont take me 100%. Because Im a first-timer as well. But I read about a week or two before harvest. You just flush the plants with the normal-water ( No nutes, only get the pH to where you want it. ) Just look up more info...
  14. K

    Daily Grow Tips (with pics)

    Im definately going to try this banana deal. Sounds pretty interesting... And I would love to see if that worked. Hey, the more females... The better. Thanks for that tip, and all the other ones on this thread. Soaking up knowledge... :joint:
  15. K

    Nutrients: How much is enough?

    Bump. Im gonna get some pictures soon but picture it this way. Ive got the ballast litterally sitting on two paint cans. I couldnt find anything with a lower elevation really so its kinda cob-jobbed in that perspective. Its in my room. And under that. I have the two rows of 5. I definately think...
  16. K

    Nutrients: How much is enough?

    Bump. Any tips, or criticism would be awesome. Im aiming for this to be a flawless first grow. ( If there is a such thing. )
  17. K

    Nutrients: How much is enough?

    Yeah. Two Fluro tubes in a ballast. I should prolly get another, right? Considering that if your looking in an aerial view. The pots arent directly under the light. Considering its not wide enough.
  18. K

    make ice hash for less than $5

    Awesome, I was looking for nice, easy... -CHEAP- way to make up some hash. Thank you very much for the help! :joint:
  19. K

    Easy to make pipe

    Yeah dude. Even though it may not be visually "igniting" the plastic. The flame is heating the foil, which is then touching the plastic. Giving off the heat to the plastic, plastic fumes will then go towards the exhaust.
  20. K

    Easy to make pipe

    Yeah. You might even feel higher than normal, because your igniting some of the plastic and getting the fumes in your lungs. I wouldnt reccomend smoking out of that anymore.