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  1. W

    Ok to use multiple fertilizers at once?

    Hi all, If you are growing in soil can you use multiple types of fertilizers in one watering? I am 2.5weeks into 12/12. I think my plants are suffering from overall lack of nutrients, I vegged with poor MG general plant/vegetable food. At 12/12 I repotted in fresh MG moisture control, steer...
  2. W

    Is this normal yellowing for 2.5wks into 12/12

    I dont have access to any real good nutes here, but on my next go round I will. I am using the Alaska Morbloom 0-10-10, in addition to the .5-.5-.5 steer manure compost. I wish I had something better :( Thanks for the confirmations, I just wanted to make sure this was OK and my plants werent...
  3. W

    Is this normal yellowing for 2.5wks into 12/12

    Is this normal yellowing for 2.5 weeks into 12/12 lighting schedule? I think I may have a K(potassium) deficiency. Soil is MG w/ moisture control, steer manure compost and sphagnum moss. Nutes are Alaska Morbloom organic fish emulsion 0-10-10. Lights 1000W MH Water 6.5pH irrigation Strain...
  4. W

    Anyone used Alaska® fertilizers?

    bump :hump:
  5. W

    Anyone used Alaska® fertilizers?

    Specifically Alaska® Morbloom Fertilizer basically a organic fish emulsion as far as I can tell. as seen here: Lilly Miller :: Alaska Brand This is about as close to non schultz/MG nutes that I can get access to at this point. 1 quart is $4.50 at my local garden store...
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    When to introduce new plants with mites, to clean grow room?

    If you were to acquire some new plants that had symptoms of spider mites, how fast could you bring them into your room. Would one night in a seperate room with no ventilation, next to a no-pest strip and well coated in your favorite mite-spray do the trick?
  7. W

    Leaves rolling/curling up o.O

    Ok thanks for the advice, do you have any idea what the N-P-K rating steer manure generally has? He has been growing for like 20 years (outdoors) and all he uses is steer manure, worm casings and worm food. So I just thought id give it a shot. The plan is get some bigger buckets, clean em with...
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    Leaves rolling/curling up o.O

    herbologist, thanks for the reply I may have mis-typed. I think its a lack of potassium. I am going to do some work on the girls this weekend, repot them in some new soil (I had a bit of clay in there, they were transplanted outside to inside) and put them in a bit bigger pots if possible. Then...
  9. W

    Leaves rolling/curling up o.O

    After reading quite a bit it sounds like potassium deficiency, im having all the symptoms of it. rust color spots, weak droopy looking stems but strong leaves, curling up etc. Im going to leech tonight and put in a high K blooming fert on friday.
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    Leaves rolling/curling up o.O

    Irrigation water, its 6.5ph from columbia river. Ive talked to other people who have had great luck with it. Could poor nutrients make it do that? Ive only used the miracle grow general vegetable feed stuff. (24 8 16) ever other watering. (Its just a first grow attempt so im doin it on the...
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    Leaves rolling/curling up o.O

    Hi All, The largest lady in my garden is acting a little weird. Some of the upper 1/3 or so leaves are curling/rolling themselves up, I first noticed it about a week or so ago, and then its been happening a bit more lately. Strain: XXX skunk time: 2 days into flowering (12/12) last watered...
  12. W

    top leaves yellow dots (pics)

    What was the fix for this? This is the exact same issue I seem to be having...was it spider mites?