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  1. G

    Can I get some quality assurance?

    I'm still trying to figure out the quality of the bud I get. I know schwag and reggies when I see one, but the mids,beasts and headies are kinda hard for me to tell. I'm not new to smoking, I just never payed attention to it until I started thinking about growing. I have some mauwie wowie that I...
  2. G

    Considering Stealth Bonsai grow? What do you think?

    Oh snap! Thanks guys I didn't know there were dwarf strains. I guess I have A LOT more to look into. 1 plant in a closet should be more than enough for me. Smell and electricity bills are my highest worry. I want to use 6500k LED lights for aquariums so I could save up on the bills. LED uses a...
  3. G

    Considering Stealth Bonsai grow? What do you think?

    I was going to wait a year to start my first grow because my living situation doesn't favor for a stealth grow. 3 Roommates, small bedrooms and upstairs neighbors that constantly smoke marijuana. My other roommate and I was pretty pissed when our other roommate and his gf adopted some puppies...
  4. G

    Hello State Hopper here

    How's it going fellas? Stumbled upon this forum about a week ago. Originally from CA and moved to Texas a little over a year ago. After a VERY long sober streak I met my girlfriend who NEVER touched marijuana in her life. I wasn't a douche and never pressured her into doing it and since I was...