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  1. TheUsedLabel

    The Pussy Snorkel

    Why cant they just make a device that makes women shut up and be happy with cock? Do they know that men hate foreplay? or do they just love to piss us off
  2. TheUsedLabel

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    umm yeah i guess man, how much do you pay? or do you get it free/grow
  3. TheUsedLabel

    Setting Up for My First Time Grow. Help Appreciated!

    I say white widow is a tad bit intermediate but its up to you on how you wanna use you're seeds. There are lot of answers to threads like this already such as White Widow's guide to growing which is here somewhere but i dont have the link. There's also the Cannabis Grow bible that i have up on...
  4. TheUsedLabel

    The Bible Will give you all the Answers

    I've noticed that about 99% of your questions can be answered by this simple Pdf. You just need adobe Reader to open and view the file. Both Links are provided. Enjoy! :bigjoint: I'm not the first to put this up but SilverNomads link was broken, so here Free file hosting by <---...
  5. TheUsedLabel


    oh yeah.... are you in the states mouse? or do you wanna leave from the UK?
  6. TheUsedLabel

    Have you tried aerogarden?

    yeah i have nothing to say, this is really just one more post, but i wish you good luck, and may the force be with you
  7. TheUsedLabel

    How Much

    Sublime is completely right man. So many things can alter the amount of bud you can expect to see, but i say no less then an ounce depending on the strain, outdoor/indoor and all that other mumbo jumbo sublime said.(I say that because in my grows i got half an ounce from my first (i cant specify...
  8. TheUsedLabel

    noob on hash oil Thats the way i made it, and i give complete credit to that chick, fuck i forgot her name, but the recipe is killer.
  9. TheUsedLabel

    Quick and Simple Watering Question

    yeah i can see where sublime and skunk are on the issue, but widow.... you dont like to get your fingers dirty? lol. Well yeah nature has done some pretty amazing things, and everyone has their own taste. I'd really like to know what manuire bud tastes like, i mean ive grown tomatoes in in...
  10. TheUsedLabel

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    idk where you guys are getting these insane prices man, here in el paso, TX i can get an ounce of skunk for 30 bucks, guess its a good connect, and the shit is killer, you guys pay way too much
  11. TheUsedLabel


    dude i'd jump at the chance but im 15, wait is weed legal in amsterdam for 15 yr olds? shit i'll go if you dont mind it
  12. TheUsedLabel

    noob on hash oil

    haha nice to hear, im not much of a smoker, i make a dime last a month, so i was just thinking of trying some new things. Ive never tried the oil, and this will be my first bong hit, i just smoke pipes and joints. So if anyone can leave some comments on their favorite way to smoke (what strain...
  13. TheUsedLabel

    noob on hash oil

    so this just gives it a more concentrated hit i'd assume?
  14. TheUsedLabel

    Quick and Simple Watering Question

    yeah cheaper but the hydromter is much more reliable than a human, i got a cheap one for about 10 bucks, but i guess to each his own. I just know that i want the best for my babies.
  15. TheUsedLabel

    noob on hash oil

    yeah hey there all you tokers, i havent posted in awhile but just recently i made me some hash oil from a thread i read here and umm how would you go about consuming it? yeah dumb but really, like do you eat it, put it on your bud? what the hell do you with it?
  16. TheUsedLabel

    Hash Oil

    this is pretty dumb but, how do you consume the oil?
  17. TheUsedLabel

    what do i do?

    hey you have any tips on a homemade vaporizer?
  18. TheUsedLabel

    what do i do?

    or does it need heat to get the chemicals going i just wanna get fucking stoned you know what it feels like to have really good bud that you cant touch is there some way of smoking it descretely
  19. TheUsedLabel

    what do i do?

    is it possible to just eat it like out of the bag haha
  20. TheUsedLabel

    what do i do?

    I just bought a dime and need to use it i live in my parents house so i was wondering if there are less potent or less detectable ways of getting high off grinded herb they're asleep but dont wanna risk it any suggestions would help