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    Advanced Autoflower Training, tips, secrets

    First off. I do not know the strain of this female but its one of many from a medical marijuana seed mix.. I planted a couple but this one caught my attention because of how fast it flowered. Its being outdoor grown in the ground, its about 2 n a half months old and nice skinny bladed leaves...
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    Topping or Super Cropping?

    So ive heard. Thanx. After seeing his I gotta do mines. ;)
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    Topping or Super Cropping?

    My boi was growing some jack herer from seed and he had supercropped almost every branch and even the main stock...i was like what the fuk. Bt it was dope. It healed up really strong and thick.firm as fuck like the main top was gunna be huge.. My question is has any1 ever heard of supercropping...
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    would please someone explain molasses. to me.

    So if I get some sugar, like a teaspoon n added it to a gallon of water n watered my plants like that, that would essentially do the same thing just not as controlled?? I wouldnt do that anyway. Seems like a good way to attract unwanted pests. Jw thoe.?
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    The color of my dreams

    Dope as fuck. Definately gunna try this. Even though I did hear it takes a tole on trichrome level. How did ur bud come out. was it still really crystally n danky lookin