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    Hermie help, URGENT!

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    Hermie help, URGENT!

    ive got a 2 major problems, first, im growing nirvana ppp and snow white feminised, they are both at day 60 flowering today. im growing in soil. i cant provide pics at the moment. i dont have a scope, im in africa, i have been searching and they are not easy to come by here. my girls were very...
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    South African Outdoors Growers?

    im also from south africa, but i havnt grown outdoors, i do put my plants in the sun everyday... ya stay away from swazi!!!
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    took plant from sunlight to artifical...growing slowwww

    its normal if its the first set of leaves, the small round ones.
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    any tips on growing

    Whats up man, where in south africa are you from, i know of a grow shop not to far from where i live, there you will be able to get allt he nutes and lights etc that you need.
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    Question for the growers here...

    Just order seeds like everyone else or get buddy that grows or grow some bag seed, im also from south africa, i just ordered them on the net an got it a few weeks later. Goodluk
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    600W lumatek digital ballast wiring?

    Whats up bra! Im also from south africa, cpt! We not that bad, got a few grow shops. Where in south africa you from?
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    durban posion and ice

    Whats up man, saw that ure from jhb, im from cpt! I remember a few years back it was always around, now its gone, maybe you still get it on your side.
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    1 month today (w/pics)

    hey, im a noob, so i could be wrong. but its 1 month into your grow, so you are ready to use nutes. the yellowing could be a nitrogen def.
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    Baby plants

    Wow, they look decent man! Why dont you do a grow journal since your problems seems to be resolved.
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hey everybody, im from South Africa and have decided to start growing my own indoor, so far i have 2 skunk 1 clones, 1 500 watt UV and im working on getting a 400 Watt HPS.... I want to thank everbody ahead of time for all you help!