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  1. P

    Jack's Classic vs Advanced vs Fox Farm Nutes

    I've been growing for 10 years started with G H FOR 2 years all I USE IS jacks 20-20-20- for veg and 10-30-20- for flower along with epsom salt and molasses and in flower AFTER 2 WEEKS I ad POTASSIUM from RAW nutrients it's a 0-0-50 use very little at a time I have 8 1000 watt hps with 15...
  2. P

    2 Pounds Per Light

    way to many plants starting flowering my plants are 19 inches tall from top of bucket 4 1000 watt 11 plants 2 lb per light jacks nutrients 10-30-20 empson salt 5 ml. per gallon ,cal-mac 5 ml per gallon RAW nutrients 0-0-50 2.5 ml for 10 gallons CO2 1200 PPM TEMP 82-84 7 GALLON POTS 8...
  3. P

    4 weeks in flowering - what do you think

    Nice pic they look good mine are 4 week under 1000w
  4. P

    4 Weeks into Flowering with some BAD ASS Colas

    Beginning. Week 4 the first 3 pictures are black jack, black widow, Allien Dog, the rest are amnisa. 4 1000w 7gallon pots Soul synthetic from aurora are the nutrients. The 1st grow I used general hydroponics 21 plants 3 lights 1000w. 3.5 pounds know comparison to this grow I blame the nutrients...
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    4 Weeks into Flowering with some BAD ASS Colas

    Week 3 I have 24 plants 21 amnisa, black jack, black widow, and alien dog I'm soul nutrients
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    4 Weeks into Flowering with some BAD ASS Colas

    Week 3 I have 24 plants 21 amnisa, black jack, black widow, and alien dog I'm soul nutrients
  7. P

    Soul synthetic from aurora products

    Has anyone used these products
  8. P

    Has anyone used. Soul synthetic products

    And if you use it in a bubble system, but I would like to know if the product is worth The money
  9. P

    First harvest

    3 1k All three are raptors 6 inch
  10. P

    First harvest

    We had 22 plants from veg to harvest 93 days 42 ounces
  11. P

    Ozone generator

    Thanks for the advice I will use it sparingly. Also how will it hurt the plants
  12. P

    Ozone generator

    I'm in the last weeks of flowering, My grow room is in the basement and I have 21 plants, that's all you smell So what do you think about a ozone generater
  13. P

    From clone to harvest what is the average weeks hydro no cost not sure Wha

    Thanks my next grow I'm going Auto what is the average yield
  14. P

    Electric uses can it be a red flag

    They are doing great I'VE tried to post smell picks and it won't post
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    Electric uses can it be a red flag

    Thanks for all the input I'm single I don't cook at home I us my tablet instead of a computer and electric bill is $37 a month. I have 3 1000 watt 2fans, 2 in lign fan dehumidifier And I running 12x12 now
  16. P

    Electric uses can it be a red flag

    First time grow my electric bill was $37 a month and now it went to $ 240 can this be a red flag I have 6 room hse and a day light basement