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  1. J

    1st try hydro(DWC)

    14th day, newest, top-most leaves started bending away from the light troughout the day. Raised light to approx. 17.5" away from top, I'll check to see if problem persist tomorrow. She is looking very healthy but has problems with pests such as flies and small sucking insects, anyone have some...
  2. J

    Cucumber DWC grow

    i had some cucumbers in a dwc system as well, they are very very hungry plants!!! they got so big i had no choice but to pull them from indoors and put them outside. they are currently recouping alongside a row of week old cukes. more notably they are a very resistant plant. i had a few leaves...
  3. J

    1st try hydro(DWC)

    My first go at hydro. Using an Elite800 air pump w/ small airstone at the bottom of a 3G reservior. 18/6 photoperiod. Fox Farm 6-4-4 Grow Big, 2tsp/G. Using pH meter for a pool, only goes to 6.8 so that's where I keep it. Buffer pH w/ Nitric Acid. Only 13 days in. Pic @ 13days...