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    Feeling guilt about killing my plant baby...

    Yeah I'm not getting DEPRESSED or anything over this but I was expression my compassion for the plant that I worked so hard to raise only to harvest it.
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    Feeling guilt about killing my plant baby...

    So I'm starting to feel guilty about killing my plant that I've been growing. It just seems kind of sad to kill something that I brought into this world. It's almost as if it is my baby...anyone ever dealt with these emotions before? And before people say "Oh brah its just a plant it wont feel...
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    Is this healthy....?

    Nice!!! Let me move in with you hahaha.
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    Is this healthy....?

    Ah well so far I've had good luck with growing under my sink. I can probably pick up pots in a few days, maybe tomorrow.
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    Is this healthy....?

    I live in a studio apartment. It's a precaution. Also I live in Texas. 1 plant could send me to jail!
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    Is this healthy....?

    Hmm yes I was looking into low stress training. Thanks for the link I will check it out. One other thing. I am currently building a 17 inch pc grow case. I was hoping to move it into it because I need it for stealth lol. And I was gonna add some wire racks for the low stress training like in...
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    Is this healthy....?

    I really don't know. It was a random bag seed. When I started this grow I had no intentions on actually getting the plant to sprout, but the fact that it actually did, makes me feel obligated to nurture it lol. And it was some low grade cannabis that I got it from. I'm guessing indica.
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    Is this healthy....?

    Yes I've got a fan blowing on it 24/7 the stem seems kind of study and seems to be starting to get woody. And it is in a 32 oz cup right now. Concerning the pot size, I am trying to keep this plant tiny because I don't have a big area to grow it in. This is under my sink. Should I go for a 3...
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    Is this healthy....?

    Yo I haven't got the new pot yet because I haven't been on here a few days. But I just thought that I would put up some new pics. This is her now.
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    Cops: Man Steals Pot From Police Because 'It Smelled So Good' ......Balls of Steel or

    So the cops can get away with stealing weed but this guy cant lol
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    Is this healthy....?

    Well I sure hope that I didn't piss my baby off haha! And yeah, like I said this was really not planned out. I'll just keep taking care of it the best that I can and learn as I go. Thanks for the advice s0lumn and dl290485!
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    Is this healthy....?

    Could it be the container I am growing it in? It's in a 32 oz cup that's just 7 inches tall.
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    Is this healthy....?

    Hello Rollitup! I have been lurking around here for a short while and have finally decided to make an account here because this seems like a good place to hang out :mrgreen: So I planted a seed in some soil and it actually started to grow haha. I wasn't really prepared to take care of it, I...