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  1. I

    Red Bud

    Red Hair Skunk and California Orange Bud are the only ones I've heard of that might fit.
  2. I

    best lsa extraction?

    The only one I've ever bothered with is Acid/Base extraction, although a simple Polar/Non-Polar solvent extraction would probably be good enough for most people, when done well an Acid/Base extraction can yield pretty much pure lsa crystals (upwards of 80% purity). Just search "acid base...
  3. I


    I've done it 6 or 7 times, and although after some of the trips I've said to myself "never do that again", others were extremely pleasurable, in the end I've always ended up doing it again and realising that in the long run they were all enriching experiences.
  4. I

    Grow Cabinet

    Thanks for the reply, I've looked into both, but I found the cooltube to be quite expensive so I'd prefer not using one if possible. As for the yoyos I planned on using them but I was wondering, how long are they? Thanks!
  5. I

    Grow Cabinet

    Hi all, I've already strated a thread on the topic in the newbie section and I've gotten some good ideas, now I think I've got my finalized setup and I've decided to post it here to make sure there aren't any problems, I attached the layout I drew out. I have just two questions: -The room in...
  6. I

    where's all the mescaline

    If they were pills I suppose it is possible, although I've never run into any on the streets, I get my doses from cacti, as well as quite a bit of mescaline hcl off the internet a few years back.
  7. I

    where's all the mescaline

    In what form did you get your mescaline? Because if you really did get it in micro dots I'm not sure that it truely was mescaline, given that it is not nearly potent enough, micro dots are generally used for acid or DOXs I doubt that it's possible to contain 400mg of mescaline in a micro dot.
  8. I

    where's all the mescaline

    The problem is that either way you go about making it it just isn't worth it from a financial point of view, to produce mescaline from cacti you have to grow it for a few years and even then you will need a lot of cactus material, going about it this way it would be sold for over 50$ a trip, on...
  9. I

    Grow Room Ideas

    Well it's been pushed back to the fifth page so just one last bump, I would like to get this sorted out as quick as possible to be able to start growing so... Can I put my germinated seeds inside a 1.5" rockwool cube for the first week or two, then put it directly in a 3gal pot? and will this...
  10. I

    Grow Room Ideas

    A little bump, and I'd also like to mention that the temperature in the room where I'm going to put my grow closets has a yearly temperature of about 75°F so do you think dual 120CFM intractor fans and one 240cfm extractor fan will be able to keep the temperatures manageable even with two 250W HIDs?
  11. I

    Grow Room Ideas

    Sorry I forgot the attachment.
  12. I

    Grow Room Ideas

    OK well I've been working on it, and even if it must seem that I really don't know what I want given how many times if changed my mind, I think this setup will be the good one. All the details are in the diagram (again), so if you guys don't see any problem with it I'll soon be able to start...
  13. I

    Grow Room Ideas

    I've looked into it a bit already, a part from a ph meter, ph up, ph down, a ppm meter, my nutrients, a thermometer, rockwool cubes and a ton of water, there's nothing else I really need, right? If I'm willing to make the initial investment, do you think it could potenially work out better then...
  14. I

    Grow Room Ideas

    Well I've been looking around and I haven't been able to find any T5s.. So in the end I'm just going to go with a 400W MH for the vegetative cycle and a 400W HPS for the flowering cycle. BUT... While looking through all these growing sites for T5s I ran into a system that interests me quite a...
  15. I

    Grow Room Ideas

    Hey everyone, while looking for a european T5 fluo retailer I found this: LED Hydroponic Grow Lighting Boards Any opinions?
  16. I

    Grow Room Ideas

    Wow that looks good, half the price and have the power consumption! Could you tell me how much yours weigh? And do you think I could get around 25 ounces/year in the setup I posted earlier replacing the lights with 4 x 4' T5 lamps? The only problem I see is that the site I was lokking at doesn't...
  17. I

    Grow Room Ideas

    O sorry about that, I didn't see the "4ft" I'll look into it. Thanks!
  18. I

    Grow Room Ideas

    Thanks for the tip, do you have any experience with fluo lights? Here are the specifications of the ones I'm looking at: They are quite expensive, depending how many you guys would think I need (70€ per lamp) so depending on what you think I'll go for this or for MH/HPS
  19. I

    Grow Room Ideas

    OK thanks, I looked into it and they look interesting, but from what I've read their lumen/watt efficiency is the same as HID lamps, so they seem to consume as much power and they're twice as expensive. But I also read that their light was much more efficient (100% used for photosynth...
  20. I

    Grow Room Ideas

    I was hoping you'd say the 400W would be ok, as that means less work and less power usage ;) I was just a bit scared that it might not be able to cover the whole width (I could make it a bit less wide and a bit more deep and have two rows of plants but I think it'll be easier to manage when...