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  1. yeldah

    The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!

    hey LB :) it was so good to finally see you(and ur lovely plants :) i think i did mention that you would have to have a very thick plastic on ur greenhouse, what do u think about my idea of making a lil house in your window bars? i duno how to explain it here but you guys, she has bars around...
  2. yeldah

    The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!

    i have heard that hps is best for veg and mh best for bloom, is this rt?
  3. yeldah

    The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!

    littlebat, i am sorry those squirrels are behaving so rudely! i can always send you more seeds if you need... wishing i could mail clones to you... xox
  4. yeldah

    The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!

    im having ok luck so far with the neem but its really too early to tell, i will definitely keep you posted. it worked for me on maui with mites but it really wasnt as hge a problem as it is for me now...
  5. yeldah

    Ionizer, good idea?

    I am thinking about getting an ionizer to use instead of a carbon filter, but I've heard that the only issue is that you want to turn it off for a few days before cutting, as it will suck all the smell out of the buds. Im wondering why it wouldn't be doing same thing the whole cycle? also just...
  6. yeldah

    2 minute cheap & easy carbon filter (no duct tape)

    any idea how to make smthg like this that would fit on an 8" duct? thanks in advance
  7. yeldah

    Whitney farms 100% natural potting soil?

    I have heard(but not experienced myself) that whitney farms is likely to have bugs in it, has anyone experienced this?
  8. yeldah

    Whitney farms 100% natural potting soil?

    I have heard(but not experienced myself) that whitney farms is likely to have bugs in it, has anyone experienced this?
  9. yeldah

    The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!

    I am growing pineapple dog shit and white widow@ the moment. i had to pull 2 "red's remedy" plants i got from the clinic because they seemed to have been taken from plants in bud and didn't revert. they were really odd, the leaves were curly and i noticed they were much more prone to bugs, so i...
  10. yeldah

    The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!

    i finally made it to y'alls rad chit chat about the finest medicine on the planet! I'm so glad I found y'all, there is heaps of wonderful information here! As little bat said i'm a card holder in Hawaii and Oregon & I got the connie seeds from another grower whose plants hermed on him. I have...
  11. yeldah

    The great RIU Conquistador grow '08!

    aloha everyone!! soon i will post some pics of my garden. im growing white widow, and pineapple dog shit. ive got conquistador seeds but after seeing them herm out on my buddy, havent planted any myself... im fairly new to indooor, as i recently moved back from maui where i became very spoiled...