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  1. B

    SWEET!!! 1st Harvest!!

    You gotta be happy with that. Probably owe some of these folks some thanks. Congrats
  2. B

    Seeds from

    From the look of things, a strong case for getting his money back on that education. (and it's Ebonics)
  3. B

    smoking male plant

    LMFAO @ this thread. How do you guys put up with these dipshits? Have you looked at these guys grows? You can't even type a coherent sentence and you are questioning these guys? If you are getting wasted on 30d males, what is probably happening is you are getting some much needed oxygen to...
  4. B

    Top leaves are curling down & are lime yellow

    I did, and that was my amature guess from the info there as well. Was just hoping for some expert opinion. Thanks again. Best way to find/administer those?
  5. B

    Top leaves are curling down & are lime yellow

    I guess I was expecting it to look like these... The first pic (this post) is one that got planted VERY late, and is at about the same stage as the yellow one which was under a bright light at night. Thank you very much for your input. What sort of deficiency would you guess at? This is my...
  6. B

    Top leaves are curling down & are lime yellow

    I do not feel that these images demonstrate the yellowness of the yellow parts... and I spent some time removing them before taking pics. On here it all looks very green. I blame the camera phone.
  7. B

    Top leaves are curling down & are lime yellow

    Here are some cell phone pics. Sorry for the quality.
  8. B

    Top leaves are curling down & are lime yellow

    I can't take pics right now but will give you whatever info I can. Outdoor, started from seeds, transfered to earth 10 days after they popped up... just used miracle grow in the hole. Watered as needed, once every week or so using liquid miracle grow plant food, and since budding bloom booster...