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  1. J

    ISO OIL... how long on electric skillet?

    im a newbie....when you say whip, what do you use? for how long? thanks for all the great info on here
  2. J

    PropJoe Juice (Propylene Glycol THC vaping liquid)

    you can quite often order from a veterinary. USP grade. Question...when you say 1 to 1 , 2 to 1. what is considered an equal part? how many ml to how many grams? And thanks for this thread.
  3. J

    Doctor help ! Please been 6 months can't find one

    GP's......did a complete body xray on me and found slight disc have to find something...but some doctors are willing to look very deeply for ya......
  4. J

    Patient looking for DG in BC

    The license is for 30g a day which equates to 146 plants. Have the authorization to grow at my residence but aint comfortable growing in a residential area. Contact me Thanks Jimmie
  5. J

    Doctor help ! Please been 6 months can't find one me and ill give ya two docs i know....out in the fraser valley......