Search results

  1. o0godspeed0o

    mortal kombat vs DC universe

    Not a big fan of fighting games. Looking forward to Final Fantasy XIII and Versus XIII, as well as the last game in the Final Fantasy VII Compilation. Other games I'm looking at are: Resistance 2, Fallout 3, God of War 3, SOCOM: Confrontation, and Resident Evil 5.
  2. o0godspeed0o

    Any stoners drive 240's?

    Sorry, I got an Altima Coupe. :)
  3. o0godspeed0o

    My new HotBox

    I've always considered getting a vaporizer. Im on the cheap right now, so I was looking at the ones that cost like 50-75 bucks. I saw a pipe vaporizer, anyone have any experience with those? If not, just let me know how vaporizers work in general for you vs. pipe smoking (my main method).
  4. o0godspeed0o

    controlling us through the food

  5. o0godspeed0o

    Yes, the FedEx man COULD be a cop... everybody panic.

    You guys keep doggin on him, that's his job on the line right there. I'd prolly do the same shit. The guy that gave him the package shouldn't just hand it to some random FedEx guy. I'd make sure that shit is packed real well with some stealth material inside, and send it off in an anonymous...
  6. o0godspeed0o

    What you listening to right now?

    I usually listen to Hip-Hop and some Hardcore Rap, with a mix of Techno here and there. But for some reason.. right now.. its all about the Black Magic Woman by Carlos Santana.
  7. o0godspeed0o

    what do you do

    Ditto. I'm studying Computer Information Systems, full time student. Breezin through with a 3.89GPA :). Sometimes I'll smoke a bowl in the car right before class. Makes me motivated and it actually helps me visualize logic better when I'm in a C#/C++ course. :mrgreen:
  8. o0godspeed0o

    Hi from NYC

    Thanks for the heads up, didn't really think I'd need to worry since I use a proxy server when I surf sites like this. :) I'll do it anyway just to be safe.
  9. o0godspeed0o

    Help please...

    Is this serious?..
  10. o0godspeed0o

    Hi from NYC

    I forgot to introduce myself. So, whats up? :twisted:
  11. o0godspeed0o


    Sorry, wish I had one I can instantly let you borrow, but no dice.
  12. o0godspeed0o


    Go get a green one? :)
  13. o0godspeed0o

    do you keep your stash in a bag or a jar?

    I keep my stash in the shit it came in, works for me.
  14. o0godspeed0o

    Playstation 3 -or- Xbox 360

    PS3 all the way. Tag is o0godspeed0o. As for teh computer; Mac Pro: Quadcore 2.66GHz, 6GB of ram, NVidia 8800GT, 1.2TB Striped RAID, and another 900GB worth of HDD space. Have it setup for dual boot in Mac OS X and Windows XP64 for my gaming needs. ;)
  15. o0godspeed0o

    Philly burbs = NO BUD

    Come up to S.I., got plenty of shit here! :blsmoke:
  16. o0godspeed0o

    how fast are you ?

    My computer is worth more than 5 G's. :twisted:
  17. o0godspeed0o

    how fast are you ?

    It's not the computers that really determine bandwith, but your ISP. I get the same speeds on my Mac Pro and my Pentium 3 shitbox.
  18. o0godspeed0o

    how fast are you ?

    Reviving old thread, 1st post too :-|