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  1. M

    cheap and EFFECTIVE DIY water chiller

    Anyone know how to do this?
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    cheap and EFFECTIVE DIY water chiller

    How would one go about hooking up a thermostat to a converted dehumidifier? Or how could you bypass the controls all together so that the compressor and fan are always on when the unit is plugged in? The dehumidifier I used does not turn on when plugged in and it's too big to just leave running...
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    Water cooled or A/C?

    I'm trying to decide weather to use a small A/C ($250) or a 1/2HP water chiller + heat exchanges ($700+). Does anyone have any first hand experience with water cooling? I'm trying to cool at most 2000W, more likely 1200W. Ambient temps are typically in the low 70s. I can justify the initial cost...
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    How you would do it? Hypothetical grow room setup.

    I know how I might go about setting something like this up, but I'd like to hear how some of you would set this up. Maybe take myself out of my comfort zone and try something new or something I haven't thought of. I'm specifically looking to hear what method you would use, what hydro system, how...
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    Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics 1st Grow

    Leave it on 12/12. Your plants are on auto pilot now just sit back and watch em grow. Change your res out every week or two and check the pH every couple days and you'll be fine. Don't feel the need to do something every time you check on your plants, this is the biggest rookie mistake, over...
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    Lucas formula question

    So the formula is 8-16 flora or 8ml floranova. My question is when do I start the Lucas formula? I would think that starting at 1300ppm would burn young clones or anything that isn't already 4-5 weeks old. I have some clones in 12/12 that are almost 2 weeks old and 1 week into 12/12 standing...
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    Hermie? 7 weeks into flower

    Is this a hermie? If so you think I should just harvest the bitch? She is 8 days into her 14 day flush so the harvest would only be a week early.Send To Phone Send To Phone
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    Two weeks to go, what's wrong? *PICS*

    Flushed with water, problem solved.
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    Two weeks to go, what's wrong? *PICS*

    I have a book, I've done my research, but with my lack of experience I'm still unable to tell what my problem is. Nute lockout due to high PH... I've read in at least 5 different places that, for soil, a PH of 6 - 7 was best. My PH is 7. So it's on the high end but hardly to the point of...
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    Two weeks to go, what's wrong? *PICS*

    PH is at about 7 according to my 3 in 1 soil tester. When I water with nutes the PH is 5.8, and plane water is PH 7. Last week my PH was creeping up past 7.0 so I watered with plane water PHed to 5. This brought the soil PH back down to 7.
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    Two weeks to go, what's wrong? *PICS*

    2 weeks until harvest. Slight nute burn from 4+ weeks ago, but the rust color on the small leaves are from the past few days. GH Floranova bloom @ 800ppm w/ 5ml CalMag + every other watering. Started flushing 2 days ago, pure water. What's going on? Any guesses?
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    Water PH

    There's three questions and you nearly answered one...I'm not even sure what one you answered. Anyone else?
  13. M

    Water PH

    Growing in soil my PH should be in the 6.4 - 7.0 range, correct? What should the PH of the water I give the plants be? If my PH is too low, how would I raise it with PH up (powder)?
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    Dark to light green, rust spots (pics)

    Here is potassium def. Maybe I should just flush and see what happens. It's so hard to flush a 5 gallon bucket though.
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    Dark to light green, rust spots (pics)

    About two weeks ago they were given about 500ppm of floranova bloom. Then watered with cal/mag+ and RO water. The light green/dark green coloring started before the last watering, but the rust spotting started after. It's been about 3-4 days from last watering with 1000ppm bloom.
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    First Time Grow Root Rot????????

    Unless the roots are coated in a brown slime and smelly nasty I wouldn't worry to much. Like everyone else said if the plant is growing healthy then just keep an eye on it. I would also recommend checking the base of the root ball for larva. I had a fruit fly/gnat problem and that turned my...
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    Dark to light green, rust spots (pics)

    bump, no ideas huh?
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    Topping White widow Big Problem

    Your picture is fuzzy but it looks like you did a FIM top. FIM stands for "Fuck I missed" where you leave a little bit of the top in place. This causes several buds to sprout out according to the Growing bible book. Like I said before I've never topped so its all theory to me. I've read the...
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    Topping White widow Big Problem

    This is correct. It doesn't have to be the very top of the plant cut off, you can top a plant 5 nodes down if you'd like. I don't see a valid reason for doing so but it can be done.
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    Topping White widow Big Problem

    It's my understanding when you top a plant no new growth will come from the part you cut/pinched off. By topping the plant it makes the next set of leaves grow as if they were the main stem. So insted of having one main stem you'll have two. So you won't see any new growth but that set of leaves...