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  1. B

    LED LIGHTS BRANDS/MODELS : Which is the best and why?

    we are v pleased with the led panel from plantphotonics, spain, yield is not huge...we getting an average of 17 to 22 g off each plant. female autos only but quality is excellent. 70 watt panel with 2 light modes. and v helpful seller also. good luck.
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    Will update new grow...4 autos in coco, organic...all seeds direct to coco...october 5th, details and photos to follow tmw.....
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    Second grow report with LED Plant photonics
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    I just don't get LED's....Someone enlighten me

    In a few days i will post my yield using the led lamp. it wont be huge as we are using only small bushy time we wont do autos and should get better yield....we went with led because of electric costs with other have 400w light plus bigger fans would just be far too...
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    So here is an update....the small 00 chocolate skunk has now been chopped and is drying...yield will be maybe 8 grammes least its something.....considering it had such a bad start.......the other 00 chocolate is going really well....its going to be flushed again this week and i think its...
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    Amazon/Ebay Greenlamp leds?

    we are in the uk k of u also.......we did use a prakkasa unit for a few weeks that was lent to us, it ran quite hot so we then went for the plantphotonics unit, from valencia, its not the cheapest but only 70w electric and very little heat means we have it outside in a box inside a garden shed...
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    really dont want to lose anything at this stage.........and all going so well..................:?
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    Can anyone assist with the leaf colours....thanks.............
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    We have changed to an organic system now...only feeding with worm castings and guano and the rare nute feed only if a deficiency shows in the leaves. The small sweet skunk will be ready in a week or so, many pistils changing to amber but still white underneath. The OO skunk are doing well. One...
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    Thanks...yours are looking great....mine seem to be back on track again...NL .seedling is doing well and so is the OO auto..the sweet super is budding everywhere and smells very nice...but its very small and its 7 weeks still have light in veg mode to get it bigger....interesting that...
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    Aaaah you is flowering...its 6 weeks old, its getting some nice flowers all over....and smells was started under cfl, then a ufo light.....its been messed about a lot....the others are 5 weeks old and the seedling is now 2 weeks old...this is only plant from seed under...
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    Have sprayed under leaves with feed yesterday and today things are looking much better so i guess you were right....didnt want to add more water and nutes as still wet but will up dosage now i now whats going thanks.............
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    Thanks for reply...the water is at 6.2...i just borrowed ph tester from a neighbour.....i flushed plant again....only because i used some left over nute mix on some tomato plants and they have dark crispy curled up leaves after......i will see how the plant is tomorrow and maybe feed some nutes...
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    Thanks for your point. If you read my intro, its first time indoor with nutes. we are using Dutch Pro. suggested dose is 2.5ml to 3.5ml per litre. i am mixing at 1ml or even .5ml per litre due to previous nute burns....
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    Can anyone advise on the leaves......? would be great for some help................
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    So its now 10 days on....all going well more or less....the seedling has come through and progressing well along with the other small plants. There does seem to be a problem with the small plant that is showing signs of it nute burn again..? or is it related to heat..?? it is...
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    Always happy to get new info, i am happy so far. We dont have any problems with heat or noise where we are....its the cost of the electric so went for led system.
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    Have a look today, new items on site and new site coming soon..
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    First time with LED and Indoor. Autos. Using 70W unit from Plantphotonics

    Hi This is our first time growing indoors. We have been spoilt in Spain with great weather and have had some amazing yields. Now back home for a bit and cannot pay silly money for rubbish or a lot of money for anything half decent! My friend has stayed in Spain so am on my