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  1. C

    T5 Vs T12?

    i was wondering about this to. i have 3 2 bulb T12s for flowering and 3 2 bulb T12s for vegging. doing areo.
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    want to make sure this is a male

    no i have 7 more but they are females for sure
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    want to make sure this is a male

    should i dig the plant out or just cut the stem
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    want to make sure this is a male

    just wanted to make sure this is a male first time grow thanks.
  5. C

    Plants need help (pictures)

    thats rock wool and another growing medium. do you know what your ppm and ph are at.
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    quick question about hydro

    was just wondering would this kit be any good for a hydro setup Nutrient Starter Kit - eveyrthing you need! B.C. BC - eBay (item 250283310435 end time Aug-22-08 19:00:31 PDT)
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    might have a problem

    any ideas anyone not even a link?
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    might have a problem

    please help this is my very first grow need help. how should i add the peat moss to the mix. also what are some other ways to lower my ph in soil.
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    might have a problem

    should i be just mixing in the peat moss are should i just throw it on top of the dirt.
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    might have a problem

    ok iv lowered my ph down to 6.0 area im going to start adding nutes this weekend. thanks.
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    might have a problem

    i will be using peat moss to lower ph how much should i mix in
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    might have a problem

    can anyone help on this one. i need to lower my ph down by 1.0 or so. how would i go about doing this what info do you guys need.
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    might have a problem

    ok thanks also how would i bring my ph down By 1.0 using the cheap way and keeping it around 6.0 or so
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    might have a problem

    the water ph i dont know its always around 6.5 or so after watering i know you can use something cheap to raise and lower the ph but cant think of it right now. also how high of a N should i get with the other two being low say like 5 or so
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    might have a problem

    also need to know what nutes to get i have a 11-35-15 bag i could use right now but if i need something else please let me know also this will be the first time adding nutes to the plants other then what was in the soil.
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    Never USE 3countiesHydroponics

    thanks for the info going hydro soon but im in the usa but still good to know. lol:peace:
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    27 OUNCES from one plant (wet that is)

    not taking sides im a first grower to so im giving you a blunt smoke in honor of your first very decent harvest. congrats hope the same for me lol
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    might have a problem

    here are some better pics also lights are on for 24/7 and i water them with waters thats been sitting out for a couple of days. my ph is right around 6.5 or so.
  19. C

    might have a problem

    come on people need help leaves are bottom set of leaves are turning yellow around the outside. need help dont want to loose them.
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    might have a problem

    any ideas people i even have pics lol. could it not be getting enough of something.