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    blueberry and white widow
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    10 Lowryder#2 and Auto AK47 Plants. AEROGARDEN

    sorry it took so long to update if anyone is still looking at this a few died as you can see in the background ended up with only 3. i didnt check it while on vacation in victoria bc. this is the 3 of them later then they got bigger then the smallest died and i moved them to opposite sides...
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    sorry for the wait if anyone is even reading this........ Here are some of the Colas ill try and keep the updates closer now. peace
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    turn it hermie

    how can I turn my female lowryders hermie. I want the seeds. Should ijust mess with the lights?
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    I have a 200 cfl above an 4 100 watt cfl on the sides Is that enough?
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    its been one and a half weeks under 12/12
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    10 Lowryder#2 and Auto AK47 Plants. AEROGARDEN

    heres the light set up. does anyone have any idea on where i could put some more lights
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    10 Lowryder#2 and Auto AK47 Plants. AEROGARDEN

    no you can not clone them because they do not have a veg state.
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    10 Lowryder#2 and Auto AK47 Plants. AEROGARDEN

    i moved the lights closer by placing a book under water res. they now sit about 2-3 inches under the lights. about adding the cfls should i put one on each side. can you place another one under the light hood like in the picture above. i had to take that bulb out cuz i felt like it was cooking...
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    10 Lowryder#2 and Auto AK47 Plants. AEROGARDEN

    I just sprouted 10 auto flowering seeds. 5 of them are lowryder #2 and 5 are auto ak47. it had been about 3 days since germination and all 10 look to be doing well. i was planing on growing some in dirt but i could not find any decent soil around me. i have decided to go with the aerogarden that...
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    Loweyder grow 20 seeds dirt aerogerden and waterfarm

    the leaves on my mother are starting to droop a little but. could that be from overwatering?
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    Loweyder grow 20 seeds dirt aerogerden and waterfarm
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    Loweyder grow 20 seeds dirt aerogerden and waterfarm

    i have some really great ones and some of my blue widdow mother. but i need help first time so whats a website that i can apost the pics on and get them a url
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    Loweyder grow 20 seeds dirt aerogerden and waterfarm

    this is my second grow from scratch. First time with lowryders. Been reading alot about them on this site. I have just germinated 20 out of 20 seeds that I bought offline. I germinated 20 because I had heard they were hard to start. I will probably only have enough to go around 10 to15. I have 6...