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  1. rusty143

    never been so pissed will they survive lost 5 fan leaves (pics)

    They will grow back new leaves, and chances are they will grow back fastier. I remember when 1 of my old plant leaves broke of and out of anger I destroyed it and relised it would of been fine lol I have learnt alot from it haha
  2. rusty143

    Woke up and plant is shriveling down?!!

    Ah shit man sorry to hear, its probly best to start of with a soil grow then hydro when you get the hang of it.
  3. rusty143

    plant is growing sideways

    The plant is possibly growing on its side because of where the light is places and that the plant is growing in the direction of the plant...or it could be because of your plant is bending because its way too heavy due to how massive it is... We really dont know how old or how big your plant...
  4. rusty143

    overfed or something else?

    Your feding way too early, Just flush them out and dont fed them for atleast 2 weeks...same happened to me when I fed them when too young, but then I put them outside so the rain could flush them out properly and didnt fed for atleast 3 weeks and there now healty than anything.
  5. rusty143

    damn animals

    Piss is amazing for keeping animals away because of human marked teratory and also makes good nutrient too. and for going lowpro, put the plants back of a shed or near away from nabours, or you could hide them with other plants, works a treat trust me.
  6. rusty143

    is this a sign of females?

    Nah trust me thats way too early to decide...give it a few good weeks then maybe you could possibly find out if its a male or female..female has hairs :)