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  1. T

    Rot? Fungus? Mold? WHAT IS THIS? (pics)

    as much as i hate to hear what i have to do, thank you guys! ive been stressing this crap all week and resigning myself to the fact but its not any easier until i think about what happens to the other 2 lol
  2. T

    Rot? Fungus? Mold? WHAT IS THIS? (pics)

    more than likely some kind of persistant mold, ive tried to wipe it off with all kinds of diferent things and nothing has made the slightest dent in it. right now the hottest most dry part of the day is probably around 85-90 degrees but with 50-80% humidity morning and nights are like a sauna...
  3. T

    Rot? Fungus? Mold? WHAT IS THIS? (pics)

    the eaten leaves are from wandering cats, they chow on the tips of the lower leaves but have never caused a problem other than that in previous years. i thought of that too, but i doubt thats it. nobody knows what it could be that only affects one stalk at a time, and hasnt outright killed it...
  4. T

    Rot? Fungus? Mold? WHAT IS THIS? (pics)

    About 3 days ago I noticed a small black spot surrounded by what looked like brown, and dry wood about 1/3rd of the way up a stalk. The next day everything above that was limp and hanging feebly, even the stalk itself was doubled over at the top. Its been 2 days since then¸and its looking worse...