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  1. P

    Fan leaves dying

    mine did the same thing, about 2 weeks before I harvested a lot of the leaves were browning on the ends and eventually dying. When it came time to harves I just cut them off any ways so it did not casue much of a problem. I would like to know what caused this though...
  2. P

    Ready for harvest? How do they look? Pics

    ok now that we've established they don't lok good, can anyone help me with my question on how to properly cure them.. I have read the guide but am still unsure of wether to cut the leaves flush with the bud, or actually competely remove the leaves ( including the crystalized ones) Thanks for...
  3. P

    Ready for harvest? How do they look? Pics

    It hasen't frosted yet, however the one night I threw a garbage bag over them the leaf tips turned yellow brown. They looked great before I did that. It didn't hurt them other than the weird look to the fan leaves.
  4. P

    Ready for harvest? How do they look? Pics

    These have taken longer than I expected they would. How they look to you guys? I put a garbage bag over them one night because I was afraid of frost damage and it seemed to turn some of the leaf tips yellow for some reason. I quickly took the bag off of them. It is around 36* tonight, will...
  5. P

    First Grow - First Harvest! (Pics)

    looks good man./ what kind of setup did u have?
  6. P

    Ready for harvest? Hopefully close? PICS

    It's so hard seeing the buds, and knowing you can't smoke them haha. But i'm sure i'll be happier with the end result if I wait
  7. P

    Ready for harvest? Hopefully close? PICS

    Hey guys! I have a microscope thatys 10x but it doesn't seem to magnify enough to get a real up close look at the triches. I know that I'm supposed to be looking for them to turn an amber color, which it looks like one of the females I have is doing. It's only about 5-10% amber but what I was...
  8. P

    Pics of My First Harvest...Purple Buds

    Absolutely amazing job for a first grow! Looks like you had a great yield for your grow which always puts a smile on your face. I love the color, just the reasoning behind the color differences between the 2 purple plants. I would think that if it's the same seed and it's grown...
  9. P

    4 weeks into budding PICS, how do they look? Any info greatly appreciated (PICS)

    Could the growth have been stunted because I topped some of them twice? The one I didn't top looks amazing, I'm kinda pissed I topped them now that I see how they turned out lol. owell, i'll learn from my mistakes, and there's always next year. since i'm only about 4 weeks along in the...
  10. P

    4 weeks into budding PICS, how do they look? Any info greatly appreciated (PICS)

    i'm not sure what strain any of them are unfortunately, out of 20 total planted seeds, I ended up with 11-12 females...which I don't think is so bad. I've compared my pics withouther members, and i'm wondering why mine aren't as tall as others. I did top most of them once or twice, which I know...
  11. P

    4 weeks into budding PICS, how do they look? Any info greatly appreciated (PICS)

    Hey guys! I started these babies in mid/end june. Grown completely outdoors. I am getting so excited to harvest, but I am afraid that i'll do it too soon ( like last year) I have one cola that the hairs are a bright pink/red color ( first pic, a little blurry,sorry). Is this unusual and did I...
  12. P

    Outdoor Cloning

    Here's 2 clones I got going right now that were planted about 8 days ago. So far so good, as far as I know. Any tips for cloning would help greatly! Such as whens the best time to clone, and if it's ok to just use soil or do u have to use perlite. I have one outside that I just dipped in...
  13. P

    Please help! First Post, Questyion about Topping and cutting fan leaves

    Other than some of the fan leaves being off do they look healthy to you? No mold or any fungus problems. They look like a sativa/indica mix strain. I started with 10 and pulled 2 males so I have 8 left, and I also have a little clone in the same pot as the 2 bigger ones. How tall do clones...
  14. P

    Please help! First Post, Questyion about Topping and cutting fan leaves

    Thanks for the quick response! As for the plant that only has one side of it topped, should I top the other main stem to even it out from 3 top colas to 4?
  15. P

    Please help! First Post, Questyion about Topping and cutting fan leaves

    Hey guys! I had a question for you all. SWIM is growing about 9 plants outdoors right now. They are about 2 1/2-3 months old. I have heard that you should not top more than twice. Last year I experimented with topping to see if it was better to have 1 large cola or 2 smaller ones. Now I have not...