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  1. smokerman

    seeds from 1971, still good?

    sounds good give em a try might work out but what from ive heard from alot of old time smokers is the tree is better today than it ever was but hell could just be old timers talking out they mouth . lol
  2. smokerman

    Male and Female

    i beg to differ some seeds aint bad it depends how it all goes down .
  3. smokerman

    sup guys

    actually click on my name thats by the online bar then it should bring up options on to view my profile and such i need to get better pics anyway
  4. smokerman

    sup guys

    actually its my profile pic
  5. smokerman

    sup guys

    whats going on guys i have a plant that is about 8 inches tall height wise i am planning on growing it out doors as i have been doing i dont let direct sun hit it but for a hour or 2 then i put it in a shaded spot for the remainder of the time till the day grows dark i leave it out side its...