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  1. S

    1st Grow Ever - Noob Needs Help w/ Diagnosing

    I tossed some misc seeds outside near a water spicket and go figure a plant shot up and looked so good that I just had to pot it. Since then I have engulfed myself in "gardening" and started a grow room/closet. Well, the original plant has some issues and online searching has left me somewhat...
  2. S

    Using aquarium lights

    I've done some searching but would like some opinions as nothing I have come across sounded definate. I have an aquarium lighting hood I would like to use for sprouts/germination like the original poster's. 2 x 34"/96W (192W total) Power Compact Flourescents, 4 pin/straight connectors. I am...
  3. S

    First Attempt.

    Assuming you have a PC w/ webcam and are running Win XP then try Timershot found in the "XP Powertoys" app. Its available from MS and wont bog PC down at all: Scoll to bottom of page for info about Timershot:
  4. S

    18 vs 24 hour light cycle for veggie stage

    Did you end up staying with 22/2 or 18/6? I started my sprouts with 24 on and left like that through 6" tall :( but the stalks are extremely flemsy and I imagine the roots are hurting or non existent if darkness is beneficil for root growth. Most can't even keep the leaves supported and they...