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  1. xxfeareffectxx

    My latest medical grow check it out

    thanks you,I can have 6 plants per patent.It smells like diesel fuel mixed with lemon.
  2. xxfeareffectxx

    Super Skunk 2 weeks flowering and clones

    Looks great ,nice clones too
  3. xxfeareffectxx

    800 watts of cfls pics (should I switch to hps??)

    what you have is a lack of light,yes you need hps.otherwise looks good!The "fingers"on the bud is from lack of light. just my view.
  4. xxfeareffectxx

    My latest medical grow check it out

    the room is about 15x15x10.the plants are grown in Dwc/with top feed 24/7 the room has a 12 site system The plants in the middle are sativa and the plants you can't see in the pic's are indica.I will take more pics soon.
  5. xxfeareffectxx

    My latest medical grow check it out

    the plants have two weeks to go.yes I have 6000 watts.
  6. xxfeareffectxx

    My latest medical grow check it out

    Here are my girls,hope everyone likes them lol The lemon diesel
  7. xxfeareffectxx

    What is the current absolute TOP yielding hydro bucket setup for indoor trees?

    thats 5 to 8 foot tall plants.your plants look great! what lights are you using?
  8. xxfeareffectxx

    What is the current absolute TOP yielding hydro bucket setup for indoor trees?

    hi, Drip/dwc combo is the best.I grow for patents in oregon the limit is 6 so you want 5-8 foot plants. I've been using this system for years and get 8-16oz a plant.just my input thanks
  9. xxfeareffectxx

    keep or not to keep

    hi, You need to pinch the top.then it will bush can look up pinching your plant on google.
  10. xxfeareffectxx

    16 days and nos flowering

    hi, I'm sorry to say but your plants look like male plants to me.I've been growing for years and they look male to me.sorry just my opinion!
  11. xxfeareffectxx

    DWC Hydro Help

    i've grown rhinos and they have lots of roots I would go upto the 5 gallon bucket. also get big air stons so they will stay on the bottom.good luck!
  12. xxfeareffectxx

    My grow of "the hog" check it out!

    start FINISH
  13. xxfeareffectxx

    do i need to get my hps lower?

    You need to drop the light to 18in.and add a circulation fan. mh lights work better for might think of getting one.
  14. xxfeareffectxx

    PICS first grow ever no nutes of any type

    They will not produce if you don't transplant them.They need at least 10gal pots The bigger the pot the bigger the plant!They look good right now!You also need fox farm nutrients and you will do well!!good luck
  15. xxfeareffectxx

    First hydro grow w/ pics: NL

    What breed?Is your water temp65 or lower
  16. xxfeareffectxx

    Hydro system help

    I think you should think about going with recirculating deep water culture can grow big plants,fast.i grow for two sick people. 12 plants,3-4site systems,i harvest 4 plants every 30 days 1.5lbs or so every 30 can't do that with ebb-n-flo or for nutrients you need a...