Alright so i think i know how to do this but i want to make sure completely so theirs no errors in my next grow, so say a bottle of nutrients says 5mL for every 22L of water, but you only have 5L of water. How would you caculate how many ml to use for 5L of water.
So im doing a soil grow and what i do for my water is, first i collect it from the tap then i set the pH to 6.0, add my nutrients then put in my air stones and aerate the water for a day to get rid of chlorine, and when i do bubble/aerate it i have it completely light proof and i make sure that...
Alrightt well i know i messed up a bit when i first fliped my 4 plant to flower because i fed them the 2nd week with one full dosage of DNF bloom fortifier with 75% liquid DNF bloom but i worked my way up with the liquid but after adding those two nutrients one of them seemed to be going through...
Ohh alrightt so for the A and B just add the ratios then divide the ratio by 2? 3-0-3+1-0.5-3= 4-0.5-6 then divide 2 by each ratio? Ive always been just horride at ratios... But with the other nutrient how would you use fractions with ratios
Alrightt so i know what that ratios on fertlizers mean and all that good stuff but what i reallly do not understand is how do you add npk ratios? For example im using as if right now DNF bloom A and B with DNF bloom fortifier for the extra P and K ratios, but the ratio for the part A is 3-0-3...