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  1. Mex420

    boy or girl? with pics

    they are out side and last time i moved them they died on me and i dont know why?
  2. Mex420

    boy or girl? with pics

    does this help yall out?
  3. Mex420

    boy or girl? with pics

    ok hold on
  4. Mex420

    boy or girl? with pics

    and here is my two other girls
  5. Mex420

    boy or girl? with pics

    I need some help guys, I cant tell if my baby is a girl or a boy. My other two are going really good and havin alot of bud hairs, and the other one doesnt have anything on it yet so could it be a boy?
  6. Mex420

    My babys is growing

    thats funny, but i doing think it works like that... but right now its been rainin latly i hope they dont die
  7. Mex420

    My babys is growing

    i have to water them like everyday cuz i planted them next to my watermelon plant.
  8. Mex420

    My babys is growing

    whats up guy's I started to plantin my babys outside and they are look so good. I always tryed to drow them inside but something always happens to them... Is there something i can do to make them grow a lil faster? outside?
  9. Mex420

    drying out need help with pictures

    i'm using miracle gro potting soil and i water them a oz of water to each plant and i dont know the hp, im just using that sink water.
  10. Mex420

    drying out need help with pictures

    my two babys been starting to dry out lately and i dont know why.:roll: thay got two fans on them and water them once a day. i hope this pictures helps yall.
  11. Mex420

    drying out need help

    what do u mean?
  12. Mex420

    drying out need help

    brown tips and i looked around before i posted this, and nothing really helps me. I cant get a picture up right now, but ill try later when i get home. i also been using dipel dust to keep bugs off my plants but it dosnt seem to work or something cuz there like some marks on my leafs that u can...
  13. Mex420

    drying out need help

    my babys are starting to dry out and i dont know why and at the end of the leafs its starting to roll and getting darker so what could be the problem?
  14. Mex420

    miracle gro?

    well thanks for everything.
  15. Mex420

    miracle gro?

    where could i get cfls bulbs?
  16. Mex420

    drying out need help

    i got some miracle gro potting mix soil and used some regular ground soil too. i mixed it together.
  17. Mex420

    drying out need help

    my plants are drying out and i dont know why? i water them like 2 or 3 times a day and have fans on them all the time.
  18. Mex420

    miracle gro?

    like regular light bulb
  19. Mex420

    miracle gro?

    what kind of miracle gro are u using ? and my plants are lookin like that want to dry out.