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  1. thebAse

    exhaust fan motion sensor switch?

    BigBudBalls: awesome! thanks for the detailed explanation... i think i understand, and it sounds like exactly what i need! where should i go looking for such a thing... radio shack?
  2. thebAse

    exhaust fan motion sensor switch?

    Maybetomorrow: yes, i saw it at walmart! how neat is that!
  3. thebAse

    exhaust fan motion sensor switch?

    BigBudBalls: thanks! could you go into a little more detail? i'm not familiar with relays or nc contacts. where could i get a relay? and it's actually the fans that i would like to turn off via the motion sensor.
  4. thebAse

    exhaust fan motion sensor switch?

    yes, the air is filtered and it's unlikely this vent will be a problem... but, insignificant or not, it is the only real security leak in the op. if a simple fix is possible i'd like to implement it. do you have a link to the motion sensor device you mentioned? or a brand name or model? all...
  5. thebAse

    exhaust fan motion sensor switch?

    the only outwardly detectable sign of my grow op is an exhaust vent in a window. i was wondering if there exists a motion sensor device that will TURN OFF the exhaust fan in the event someone gets too close to the window. this could help avoid detection by curious power company employees or...
  6. thebAse

    What materials can be used as wicks?

    What kind of common inexpensive materials could be used as wicks in a wick system hydro setup? There is no hydroponics store in my area so the material would have to be available from a hardware store... or walmart! The 'sea of green' setup will use 5" square pots... each will need about 15" -...
  7. thebAse

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    5.5mm is a very precise measurement... i'd want some calipers to help take the guesswork out of it... a perfect cutting, every time! :)
  8. thebAse

    Get a Harvest Every 2 Weeks

    WOW! i started reading this tread and got so hooked i couldn't stop... it took hours to finish, lol! there's so much information here... it's a lot to absorb in one sitting! most of the questions i had at first have been answered somewhere along the way... so i just wanted to add my thanks to...
  9. thebAse

    Leaf discoloration

    i'm using Optimum grow nutes at about 50% strength
  10. thebAse

    Leaf discoloration

    i believe ph is somewhere between 6 and 7... which i know is high for a hydro setup. i only have a cheap aquarium ph test kit and it's not very accurate... it's difficult for me to make adjustments with any kind of confidence. i have a digital meter in the mail so that will help matters... i'm...
  11. thebAse

    Leaf edges curling up

    the plant is growing vigorously and i'm not overly concerned about the leaf curl... but, it's my first grow so every little thing makes me go "hmmm..." :p
  12. thebAse

    Are these all females?

    No, they weren't feminized. The strain is AK-47.
  13. thebAse

    Are these all females?

    Wow, looks like 10 seeds yielded 10 females! First grow is off to a good start! :)
  14. thebAse

    Are these all females?

    Is it safe to say these plants are all females?
  15. thebAse

    Leaf discoloration

    What kind of nutrient deficiency would cause this kind of patchy discoloration?
  16. thebAse

    Leaf edges curling up

    What does this look like? Heat stress? Nutrient deficiency?
  17. thebAse

    pH of rockwool

    Thanks for the help! I'll be sure to flush the rockwool before using it. I'm still a little confused about this rockwool pH stuff. Basically, I'm just wondering if I need to keep the nutrient solution pH lower than the normal 5.8. In an ebb & flow system using rockwool does the pH of the...
  18. thebAse

    pH of rockwool

    What about the nutrient solution pH during growth? Does the pre-soak take care of the high pH of rockwool permanently, or does pH still need to be lower throughout all phases of growth?
  19. thebAse

    pH of rockwool

    I'm using a flood & drain hydro system with rockwool cubes as the growing medium. What pH should my nutrient solution be to compensate for the high pH of rockwool? Thanks!
  20. thebAse

    Ebb & Flow Flood Schedule

    Thanks for the info potroast! I'm currently using 4" rockwool cubes for plants in the vegetative stage. How often would you recommend flooding? Currently I'm flooding 4 times a day... is that too much for this growing medium? Also, should I flood more or less in the flowering stage? Thanks!