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  1. T

    Seedling Problem, Please help

    Ganja Guerrilla's Hall of Marijuana Plant Abuse just showing different miracle grow plants, seems to have weird effects
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    Plant spotted and yellow - help me identify

    what kind of soil did u use
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    Seedling Problem, Please help

    Every time I've use miracle grow potting mix, it has indicated various nute burns throughout the plants life, I recommend not using this soil next time. Yours doesn't look like nute burn but watch out for it.
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    Nutrient deficiency??

    Thanks for the advice. It is in an exact spot that gets 6-8 morning-miday and shade in afternoon. Whats causing the leafs to have spots, I checked for pests and there appeared to be none, so I do not know.
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    Nutrient deficiency??

    Hey, I really cannot figure out what this is...ive been reading and searching various websites, can I get someone's opinion? t
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    seedling problem

    This one was just recently planted, only one showing this kind of problem, can I get some people's opinions on what it is. Sorry for the bad picture quality, One of the first 2 Jagged leaves, the tip/end of it is brown and dried up, its not due to under watering or anything of that nature, so...