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  1. B

    First Grow, PC CFL Bagseed.

    Yeah I am curious as to what Lipples asked as well.
  2. B

    First Grow, PC CFL Bagseed.

    Day 28 Hey folks, there has definitely been some growth within the last few days, although I am becoming worried about the heat issue, the temps inside of the case are around 90-100 sometimes but cooler during the night, around 80. I am hoping that once we get settled we will be able to build...
  3. B

    First Grow, PC CFL Bagseed.

    And here are two from inside the PC case all sealed up. One with flash and one without, I wish it was that bright in there all the time!
  4. B

    First Grow, PC CFL Bagseed.

    Day 26 Here are some pics from today. How common is the yellowing and dying of those bottom leaves on the plant so early in it's life? Well, they haven't died (yet) but they are getting more yellow every day, the new growth however looks as good as ever.
  5. B

    First Grow, PC CFL Bagseed.

    Here's a pic from yesterday, does anyone think the stem growing at that angle will be a problem? I was wondering if I should tilt it straight up when I transplant into a bigger pot? Anyway, the new growth is looking really good today & I'll try to update with some pics when I can.
  6. B

    First Grow, PC CFL Bagseed.

    Well, this is my first attempt at a grow, and starting out small. To see the very beginning of the grow, check out this link (; Had 3 to start and lost 2. I had some problems early on, started doing things...
  7. B

    PC, CFL, Bagseed Grow, Seedling Problems

    You can see how the growth has really taken off in the past few days, the lower temps have been helping a lot as well as the right amount of water, still trying to get it right.
  8. B

    PC, CFL, Bagseed Grow, Seedling Problems

    Ok, thanks for you input guys. Here's an update: The plant is looking better now, it does have some nute burn and it went through quite a bit of stress at the beginning. We've since transplanted her into some Fox Farms Ocean Forest potting mix, and given her a healthy drink of water. No more...
  9. B

    PC, CFL, Bagseed Grow, Seedling Problems

    Yeah, I had in mind before I started that this might not end up all glory. Thank you for your reply. I'll probably get some good soil, I know theres a local shop that sells some Fox Farm soil, and it seems people have had luck with that so I might give it a try.
  10. B

    PC, CFL, Bagseed Grow, Seedling Problems

    Hey everyone, hows it going? Allow myself to introduce...myself... A couple of buddies and I are going to be getting a new place, and thus, are going to be constructing a large grow box very soon. This will be our first grow setup, and we are very excited. I have been lurking around these...