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  1. M

    New atempt at breading!!! Jernal or gernal

    where are the new beans?!?!?! have you ran some new things and see what the yield was like?
  2. M

    Thumps how come you never pick up your phone when im out that way!!! Shoot me a call some time...

    Thumps how come you never pick up your phone when im out that way!!! Shoot me a call some time when your not going crazy in your room.
  3. M

    Those are not spider mites. Looks to me more like leaf miners. Spider mites at fully grown will...

    Those are not spider mites. Looks to me more like leaf miners. Spider mites at fully grown will have a red body and when you squish them explode in red. I would spray them with spinacide like captain jacks deadbug which works very well. I protect a fairly large outdoor crop with captain jacks...
  4. M

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    It will probably heal just fine with the tape, however if you wanted to you could use good old super glue so i can watch the experiment. Reef keepers use super glue in fish tanks to glue live coral and other aquatic plants. I have not used super glue on a plant just yet. When i get deep cuts i...