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  1. M

    auto ak x hindu kush: somethins not right!!!!

    I grew the same exact strain and by 23 days they were probably 6-8 inches. I was using a hydro system.
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    All leaves wilted, brittle -- Can I cut them off?

    No pic but just imagine a bunch of green wet kleenex hanging from a plant, and you'll know exactly what it looks like. I burnt some of the leaves earlier on the light while adjusting plant, but I don't know if that's what caused this. This plant is in the same hydro system as one right next to...
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    What else don't we know ...

    Uh...ok? So what? Is this supposed to be nefarious or something?
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    Lights burnt tips of Leaves, Cut or Leave Be?

    I didn't notice that the top fan leaves of a plant had grown into the light, and now many of them (the tips at least) are burnt, wilted, etc. Should I cut these off, or does it even matter? Would it just traumatize the plant even more at this point to cut the burnt leaves off?
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    Broken Taproot, Germinating in AG

    If somebody accidentally broke the very tip off of the taproot of a seed he's trying to germinate, what are the implications? Is it dead or just severely slowed down? And transferring germinated seeds from a papertowel to the Aerogarden has resulted in several lost seeds, is there a specific...
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    Plants with red stems

    SWIM has Hindu-Kush also and has red roots, first grow, wasn't sure if this was normal or not.
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    This is a travesty .... and almost haunting

    That's not remotely 'haunting.' Take the drama down a notch.
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    Cool gif.

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    Do Mescaline...some guy told me in a dream

    Pschh, what? Of course not, that's illegal. It was all a dream.
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    Do Mescaline...some guy told me in a dream

    I used to be afraid of Mescaline, a little, before tonight. That was silly of me. Just wow. WOW. Lsd and Salvia are gimmicks, a novelty. Mescaline is profound. Or so I heard, from someguy somewhere. You will thank me if you take this guy's watch your diet. Health is so important...
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    Why I do not do LSD

    "Each to their own." At the level of conversation that's just unacceptable. We should debate, we should test our ideas and beliefs through argument, it's healthy. The problem with sectioning off a particular set of beliefs as sacred or untouchable in any debate is the range of beliefs that try...
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    Why I do not do LSD

    This is the only part I don't agree with. I think debate is important, and trying to wall off some set of beliefs to criticism is just a ploy. Consider this, the UN passed a resolution to make defamation of Islam illegal. So it is against international law to criticize Islam. Throwing acid in...
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    toad licking!!!

    Is that what the kids are calling it these days? This vid will explain all you need to know. YouTube - How to Collect Entheogenic Toad Venom from Bufo Alvarius
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    stem growth in aerogarden is very weak

    Thanks for the advice. I'm going to get this going if it takes me the rest of my life.
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    Why I do not do LSD

    Not to sound like an asshole but the level of bull in this thread is epic. And the worse part is that anybody who disagrees is supposedly some kind of jerk. Imagine any other topic where that would work, "Hey, you can't criticize my beliefs about economic policies because people all believe...
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    Why I do not do LSD

    If somebody disagrees the open minded thing would be to rationally argue the point. Telling anybody who doesn't agree with you to f off is close minded. Can you imagine any other topic where this would be appropriate? And the fact that some belief is 'good for you' does not make the truth or...
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    stem growth in aerogarden is very weak

    I germinate the seeds using the paper towel method, and when the sprout pops out a good amount I transfer to a AG seedpod thing... I did this with 3 seeds and they never sprouted, gave up on them and am starting one more (lowryder2 Hindu Kush), but it's been two+ days and it hasn't sprouted. 1st...
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    Three Word Story

    replicas of Elvis
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    Three Word Story

    ...each other sucking...
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    Why I do not do LSD

    I can see that. It's just the literal belief. I mean, imagine that there really is a 'being' up in the sky, and he can affect the world, and he is actually answering minor prayers, such as football teams winning or some 70 year old guy recovers from a stroke, all the while the world is filled...