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  1. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    nope.... comes out the other end..... and it's a cumulative process, doesn't happen after just taking one hit..... i have found a balance since my last post a month back..... if i smoke 2 hits or less a day, i only suffer from a perception of elevated internal heat, and only the mildest of...
  2. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    i NEVER had heard or visited this site before my first google search for family has awesome grows, so i've never used the internet to disscuss growing weed.... At least you're not being a dick about it, Hank.... i truly appreciate it, sir.
  3. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    Just to take the mystery out of your theory, Chuck, when you type Cannabinoid Hyperemisis into a google search, this thread is the first or second choice shown.... This thread is not nearly as obscure as you may think.
  4. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    You guys are just stoopid!!!!! After reading all the posts from these people, there are at least four different writing styles... If you were as smart as you claim to be, you'd see the vastly different writing styles!.... Everyone uses language differently.... You guys just use it on a more...
  5. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    one more quick question.... anyone know a good thread about making cuttings and having a 99-100% success rate?.... i couldn't find one, but i am not familiar with the workings of this site....
  6. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    Chuck has finally earned my respect..... i think i've had my fun.... i'll leave you kids to play.... it's been enlightening hearing your perspectives, seriously.... thanks, fellas. By the way, chuck.... i checked out the puppet thing.... i SWEAR this is my only account.... i don't know who...
  7. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    Just reciprocating.... Just reciprocating .... But I'll cha-cha with you too, if you wish to climb down into Chuck's mud pit....
  8. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    All Asshole-ing aside, Thank you for the endo shit.... i found it tedious, technical, and valid..... i welcome different perspectives.... it could be that.... i need to digest a bit.... it was a tough read for me... i don't wanna spar.... i want answers.... you may have just provided that for...
  9. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    What I find interesting about this thread are the ones who are sitting at our table, telling us they don't like what we are having for dinner, and still shoveling it down!.... If you don't like it, excuse yourself from the table and go to bed... Don't keep sitting there crapping on us...
  10. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    I have to agree with you about finding info to support whatever side you're on.... It's just a fact.... It doesn't change your mind or mine.... But at least it's a lucid thought.... You ought to try it sometime, Chuckles!
  11. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    Well, chuckles, for once I truly am an ignoramus!... I don't know what a puppet is, and puppets freak me out.... I'm not into that shit... But I am only one person in Salem Oregon, and I do care about the other two(?) posters here, just not your lame ass!.... If you don't care, why are you...
  12. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    What I need to remember is I don't give two rusty shits what YOU think.... I need to remember I commented here to help any potential victims know there is a possible answer that is not commonly known.... That they aren't mentally disturbed.... That relief is just one less toke away... This ain't...
  13. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    Again, my theory on why this is occurring now is the prevalence of growth enhancements and the improper flushing that goes along with it... My family does a 21 day flush when the strain allows... Some have shorter flower times and cannot be flushed that long. If you care about your health...
  14. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    The craziest part of this syndrome is the nausea.... Smoking pot WILL help with the nausea, momentarily..... But later, it kicks in even worse.... I went in circles for months... If you even suspect you are suffering from this, STOP!.... I mean, what's the worst that could happen?.... You'll...
  15. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome
  16. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    They used to say Lupus was bullshit.... And fibromyalgia..... Why is that?
  17. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    So, the Mayo Clinic are not folks of science?.... Just a bunch of hacks?... Did you read any of the links posted early in this thread?.... Not sure what science you subscribe to, but I only question your thoroughness.... I took my diagnosis in to the ER.... From the mayo clinic website... The...
  18. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    Oh yeah, if you're talking shit, you should probably flush!
  19. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    In the late 60's science figured they had it all discovered.... Thought they knew all life forms on the planet.... Then one day a pilot flying over the Columbia Gorge spotted some native Indians NO ONE knew about! Imagine that!.... An undiscovered tribe right here in the northwest!!! My point...
  20. J

    Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

    THIS IS NOT BULLSHIT!!!! I spent four agonizing months in and out of the hospital.... List a hundred pounds.... Almost died... Don't let them poo poo this!.... It is REAL!.... None of us smokers wanna hear it can harm you... I certainly did not... Within six days of quitting, I stopped puking...